(Elaine Lemler, from the Irish Times, who takes care of our culinary needs each week. I forgot to tell her to give us her usual smile.) Birthday Boys and Girls this month: Sue and Sandy, Joe, Jim Lowrie, Tom Scanlan, and yours truly were sung to despite some were not present.
There were 16 members and one guest at the meeeting. Our guest was Bob Sharkey, District Assistant Governor, from Houghton.
Bob had two reminders: First, he reminded us that we are eligible to again provide a match to receive a 1 for 1 grant to assist us in a Christmas project for 2008. After due consideration, a motion to provide a $500 matching fund was passed unanimously thereby assuring someone a very merry Christmas. Note: to qualify for the grant, CLK members must not only provide the match but they must be directly involved in the execution of the grant.
Second, he reminded us that the District Governor's Dinner, tentatively set for Houghton, will be July 30. This event is great fun for all and a chance to reward members for their hard work. More details will follow anon.
President Elect Kevin spoke to the desire to not only acquire new members but to give equal emphasis to retaining present members. It is of little value to get new ones in the front door if you're losing them by the back door.
Attendance for May was announced at 54%. Nine of our club had 100% in May, and 5 at 75%. Now, one might ask, what is wrong with this picture? How do we end up with 54%. The food is great, the camaraderie beyond reproach, and our service to our towns is needed. Come on, folks, let's all participate to get that number up into the 70% range at least.

[Editor's Note: At this point in the meeting I got so engrossed in the discussion that I forgot to take notes. Sorry.]
Pastor Peter won the 50-50 and then Joel capped off the meeting with a short review of his annual mission to Mexico. His wife joined them this time and became intimately acquainted with the National Bug of Mexico.
(Joe, one of the birthday boys, leaving with Joel after the meeting.)