Today's meeting had 15 members and 1 guest. Our guest was Mark Maggio, Executive Director of Phoenix House which recently moved to a new building behind the First Apostolic Church on Pine Street. Mark explained to the members that most clients come to the house because they are forced to by the law or their employer or family and not because they think, "I have a problem I want to solve." For the time they are in treatment, Mark's staff must try to get them to see that their problem is not someone's else problem, to see inward, to try to get them to realize that they can change their life to something productive rather than destructive. The move to the former church Elders home was a very good one inasmuch as they acquired about 13-14 new rooms to house clients. For the community, Mark announced that there will be an open house at the new facility on August 16 from 2 to 8 p.m. and hoped that everyone will take advantage of this opportunity to see what the Phoenix House is all about. At the conclusion of his presentation, President Kevin presented our coveted CLK Rotary mug to Mark.
(Below: Here is a picture I took a while back when our Rotary Youth Exchange student, Hannah, showed her slide show that she will display in Poland this summer.)

Tammies: This is the weekend for our Tammies production. It is hoped that we get a massive CLK Rotary turnout for this major fund-raiser by our club. Please don't miss it and a few extra dollars in the till will be much appreciated.
Also, on Saturday the 16th, Calumet will be celebrating "Heritage Day" with a start at 10 a.m. in Agassiz Park behind the Rotary clock.
We are still looking for housing for several of the student dancers. If you can take 2 or 4, please contact Dan Dalquist or Kevin Store immediately!
Meantime, have a great weekend celebrating the ethnic heritage of this diverse Copper Country.