There were 15 members and 4 guests in attendance at the meeting. Guests were Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey (Houghton Rotary), Tom's wife Joy and her brother and wife, and our speaker, Ole Van Goor of the Dapple Gray Bed and Breakfast.
After a round of Happy Dollars (among them, Dan's car repair and your editor will be a great grandfather next March) lunch was served.
Bob Sharkey announced that the district was looking for small projects from its Rotary clubs to which the district will donate a matching grant. Come up with ideas, folks.
Following lunch, Ole Van Goor was introduced. His bed and breakfast, Dapple Gray, is located just outside of Copper Harbor across from the old Devil's Washtub. Those who have been to one of the Van Goor's open houses can attest to the splendid accommodations offered; in short, they are magnificent. They are open almost year round but mainly April through October. In addition to the bed and breakfast, the Van Goor's have a beautiful antique shop specializing in Victorian antiques with an emphasis on glass and ceramics. Books, dolls and souvenir spoons are also featured. At the conclusion of his talk, Ole passed out gift certificates to all members offering a 20% discount for reservations. He left several more for those members who were not there at the meeting but would like to take adv antage of their offer. See Don Kilpela.
(A picture in need of a caption. Anyone?)
Jim Lowell, who chaired the meeting in Kevin's absence, then reported on the Tammies: 495 tickets sold: 342 regular price with the rest at various group discounts. In total, we will probably clear over $1,7o00.00 which will be distributed to our local charities throughout the year. Thanks to all who helped. Jim also noted that if we had sold out the house, the rest of the money would be pure profit, something to think about next year.
See you next week.