Saturday, February 27, 2010

Regular Meeting, Febrtuary 24, 2010

Total attendance = 19.

Our guest today was Bob Sharkey – Houghton Rotary. Bob is our current Assistant Dist governor. Bob announced the 2013 Rotary District conference would be held in Houghton. He hoped all the local clubs would work together to host the event.

President Jim read Laura Miller’s name for the 3rd time – a potential new member.

Each Rotarian was issued 8 spaghetti dinner tickets to sell or pay for. The Community Dinner is Friday March 12 at the Irish Times. The committee expects all CLK Rotarians to help with the event. A work schedule is forthcoming. Rotarians who were not at the meeting will be issued tickets by Kevin Store or other members of the committee. Tom Tikkanen asked the club to consider starting the dinner at 1pm on March 12. The Copper Dog racers have a bib draw for the starting order on Friday afternoon. That event is followed by a dinner. The opportunity for CLK Rotary is to have another 100 or more dinner tickets sold by providing the dinner. President Jim said he would check with the committee and respond to Tom by Thursday Feb 25.

Tim Baroni presented the program. Tim gave background info to the past several years of bank industry problems focusing upon the mortgage industry. This problem started with the Clinton administration committing to increasing home ownership. That effort resulted in loosening credit requirements and underwriting. Banks were accepting more risk in the loans and sold the loans to a variety of end purchasers including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. As the economy slowed, the borrowers were unable to make pmts or sell homes which resulted in defaults and the rest is history. Many of the Rotarians present asked questions or made statements about the problems the country experienced. Tim was passionate about the topic and well informed. He stressed the local banks were making loans and had few problems compared t0 many other regions of the country.

This was a very good presentation.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Regular Meeting, February 17, 2010

(Our speaker, Renee Marion, gave a very informative program on the relatively newly organized Goodwill Industries.)

Present were 17 Rotarians and 1 guest at our Wednesday luncheon. After President Jim called the meeting to order, he introduced Renee Marion. Renee was a guest of Keith Stenger and was our program speaker. President Jim announced Laura Miller as a prospective Rotary member. This was the 2nd reading.

I looked around the meeting room and realized Rotarian Andy Murtagh was absent. There was some speculation among several Rotarians that Andy had gone to Vancouver for the Olympics. Time will tell.

Announcements: CLK Rotary extended condolences to Joe Enrietti at the death of his brother John. We are all thinking of you Joe.

Program: Renee Marion, Goodwill Industries Workforce Development, updated the Club on the activities that Goodwill Industries provide in addition to the well-known retail stores. G.I. merged with Vocational Strategies Inc (VSI) several years ago and now the entire operation is called Goodwill Industries. VSI was already known for its Vocational Wood Shop and document shredding so in addition to that operation, G.I. offers general cleaning services and lawn care services.

Goodwill Industries is organized into Community Programs and Community Services. Both are available at the local facility. The agency does operate on a business model as a non-profit.

Funding is provided by referring agencies like Michigan Rehab, the ISD and Copper Country Mental Health, etc. The Community services side contributes profits from contracting its many services.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Regular Meeting, February 10, 2010

(Left: Jim and guest Judy Szyszkoski of the Farm Bureau Board. Below: former member Ed Yarbrough was a welcome guest.)

This week’s meeting was attended by 17 CLK Rotarians, 1 CLK Rotary Alumni, and 3 guests. Our Guests were Jim and Agnes Countryman from Ontonagon and Judy Syzykoski from Chassell. Jim is a director of the Copper Country Farm Bureau and Judy is also a board member. Jim presented the program. Our Alumni vistor was Ed Yarbrough.

First, President Jim announced the Hancock Rotary Club was hosting Mr Jim Herlache on April 26 at the Finnish American Center in Hancock. Jim, a Rotarian from Wisconsin, will be giving a presentation on Power Flour. President Jim asked if the Club was in favor of canceling our Wednesday meeting on April 28 in lieu of attending the April 26 regular luncheon. The CLK Club voted to stay on our Wednesday schedule. CLK Rotarians, however, are encouraged to attend the Monday April 26 lunch meeting. Moreover, it could also be a makeup meeting for those who need one.

Next, Jim countryman was introduced to give the presentation. He is the current Ontonagon Rotary president and a director of the CC Farm Bureau. Jim and his wife, Agnes, are a beef cattle farmers owning Toll-Free farms. Jim talked about the Miracle of Modern Farming. The following points were made:

1. Farming was all organic until the early 1940’s. Farmers were dependant upon Nature to give the proper soil, water and weather. Bad crops meant the farmer and his customers were going to bed hungry.

2. Today, 2% of our labor force supplies the food to our country.

3. Farming also produces the crops that are used for producing medicine, clothing, and many of our consumable products.

4. The Miracle of Hybrid seeds (genetic alterations) has given farmers the ability to increase the yield per acre and find seed that will prosper in traditionally difficult growing climates. In 1940 the average acre of yielded 20 bushels whereas in 2009, that yield was 166 bushels per acre with a record high quantity of 300 bushels per acre. This is all thea result of hybrid seeds and modern famring techniques.

John and Agnes also Registered Irish Dexter cattle. The cattle are bred for tender beef and are raised without use of chemicals. John does sell the meat either by the pound or by the quarter. Rotarians interested in purchasing beef raised in Ontonagon can call John at 906-884-2351.

(Below: President Jim thanks John after his lively presentation.)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Business Meeting, February 3, 2010

(Pictured below are members and guests photographed after the meeting)

Seventeen Rotarians and 2 guests attended. Guests included Bob Sharkey – Houghton and Donna Cole-Hancock.

Several members produced Happy Dollars. Jim Lowell gave thanks for the CLK Rotary CHOICES team for their efforts at the CLK Schools. The team includes Tom Tikkanen, Keith Stenger, Kevin Store, Kathy Johnson and Jim Lowell. Great Work folks!

Potential New member reading: Laura Miller, Exec Director of the Calumet Theatre Inc.

Birthdays were announced for several members followed by an enthusiastic and somewhat in-tune Happy Birthday !

Financial Report: Club checking & savings acct balance is $8863.40 and all know expenses are paid.

Attendance in Jan = 67%.

Comment from Amy Roberts regarding the contributions from the Top 5 clubs to Rotary International: Make a separate check payable to the Rotary Foundation and mail it to Amy c/o Superior National Bank. That method is preferred . An alternate method is pay the quarterly charge of $50 with your dues. The Club Treasurer and Amy will then ensure the $$ flows to the proper location. Remember, contributions to the Foundation may be tax deductible to the donor.

Motion by Andy Murtagh , support by Sue Dana, to spend $1000 from savings to combine with the Houghton Club $ to jointly buy a Shelter Box for the people in Haiti. Several discussion points were raised by various members. The Motion was defeated YEA=7 and NAY = 9.

Comment from a member asking the Club to check on which organization to contribute $ to the Haiti relief project.

Donna Cole – Hancock Rotary, gave a brief presentation on the Etta Project. More info is on the District website. The basic issue is to help provide clean drinking water to remote villages in Bolivia. This project also partners withthe Engineers without Borders program – a program that is active at MTU. Donna asked CLK Rotary to consider a contribution of $250. Motion by Sue Dana/supported by Tom. Yea=7 and NAY=5. Motion passed. Our $ will be matched with the $ from Hancock


President Jim won the 50/50.