Friday, March 26, 2010
Regular Meeting, March 24, 2010
Today, we had 25 Rotarians and guests attending this meeting. Guests were Major Mike Farley – Public Schools of Calumet JROTC program and three very impressive JROTC cadets: Cadet Captain Kelsey Coo, Cadet Lieutenant Rochelle Harris and Cadet Sergeant Joe Collen.
New CLK Rotary member Laura Miller – Exec Director of the Calumet Theatre, was inducted to our Club. Welcome Laura. [Ed: I am sure they were happier than they looked]
Jim Corless stated that the KNHP Has received some exhibits for the Union building but needs more. Interested Rotarians should contact Jim at the Keweenaw National Historic Park office in Calumet.
Second meeting in a row without Andy?
Major Mike Farley began the program by describing the JROTC program that he administers as a citizenship and service program. Participating schools include Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw and Lake Linden-Hubbell and the Horizon schools. The local JROTC program was established in 1917 and will be celebrating its centennial in 2017. The program focuses upon service, physical fitness, leadership skills. It develops character and provides the students exposure to people outside the UP, to new ideas.
Our support of RYLA has helped by sending JROTC students to the annual RYLA program in Wisconsin for which Major Farley thanked CLK Rotary for the continued support of RYLA and the JROTC program
Recently, the JROTC cadets competed against 2000 other units in Leadership and Academic Bowl competition from other states. While the initial level of competition was 2000 units from across the country, Level 2 had considerable less. Michigan had 50 units in the competition and the CLK Students, along with the other 2 JROTC units in the UP, qualified for Level 2. Calumet ended 3rd out of 119 units.
This summer, Major Farley is taking 9 students and 1 adult to a JROTC Camp in Germany. The trip will include some sightseeing and participating in a variety of competitions. They will be staying at a German military base and interact with students from several other European countries.
This trip will cost $1895 per person. Funds have been raised through a variety of activities with the big one being a spaghetti dinner and auction. If the group does not raise all the money then families will need to step in. Rotarians are urged to support the dinner. President Jim asked Major Farley to complete a Request for Donation so the Rotary board could consider helping with the funding.
See you next week.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Regular Meeting, March 17, 2010
Guests included Tom Casperson-running for 38th District Senate; Paul Lehto-Calumet township Supervisor; Bob DuPont, Main St Calumet member; Frank Fiala, Main Street Board President; Bob Sharkey, our Assistant District Governor; Babette Jokela, Main Street supporter; and Donna Cole, Hancock Rotary Club.
1. Thanks to the organizers of the Copper Dog 150 and all the volunteers.
2. The Calumet Theatre is holding its gala fund-raising dinner on Saturday March 20. Interested Rotarians are urged to attend.
3. And a St Patrick’s Day luncheon without Andy Murtagh present? [Kilpela adds, I believe Andy is of Scotch descent]
Our program was two parts. We started with a review of the Club budget and then Sue Dana presented a request for a contribution to Main Street Calumet.
First: President Jim Lowell reported on the budget and thoughts of the Board when considering donation requests. Highlights are:
1. Overall annual budget is roughly balanced at about $25,000
2. Eliminate the “pass through” money consisting of meals, dues, and the Rotary Foundation, and the remaining budget has a slight surplus at approximately $10,000 that includes limited discretional funds of approximately $1,000.
3. The Balance Sheet shows a balance in checking and savings of approximately $10,000. Note, however, that it includes some Spaghetti Dinner revenue and none of the applicable expenses. Moreover, it includes $1000 scholarship money to be dispensed in May.
4. Current pending requests for donation total approximately $6,000. Little of this will fit into annual budget.
5. Board priorities when considering whether to recommend granting request include:
a) Geography. Priority to money which benefits persons in CLK Rotary area, that is, the north end of Houghton county and all of Keweenaw County.
b) “Warm Body” factor, that we can identify the person(s) who will ultimately benefit from donation.
Following a review of the budget and donation policy, Sue Dana presented Main Street Calumet’s request for a funding of $1000 per year for the next three years, a total of $3,000.. She listed the accomplishments of Main Street Calumet such as instigating the Copper Dog 150, of facade improvements, of encouraging and supporting new businesses as well as community events. She reminded members that any person or business can become a Main Street member, that you do not have to be in the Main Street district. However, it is important to note that money spent in the Main Street district floats through the entire community, a benefit to all either directly or indirectly.
Bottom line is Main Street Calumet needs help with its funding. Frank Fiala, Main Street Board President, gave a passionate argument supporting Main Street Calumet. He has a strong belief in Calumet and has located his business in town. Frank talked about the impact of Main Street throughout the Keweenaw.
Many questions & concerns were voiced by Rotarians. Issues such as keeping a prudent bank balance, a desire to support Calumet as well as the rest of our market area, donating to general funds vs helping to meet a specific need, were addressed. I could not write fast enough to record all the comments!
The discussion came to an end when a vote was called on the question of supporting the Main Street Calumet request to fund $1000 per year for the nest three years. That vote passed 14 Yea and 6 Nay.
Closing ceremony!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Regular Meeting, March 10, 2010
18 Rotarians & guests attended today. Kathy Johnson was the proud host of her husband, buzz, and their daughter, Regina. Buzz & Regina delivered the program after lunch.
Several Happy $$ were collected as well as several announcements:
President Jim and Tim Baroni gave an update on the Spaghetti Dinner plans: We had amended the serving time from 4pm- 8pm to 1pm - 8pm in order to accommodate the Copper dog 150 racers . We sold 55 tickets at the door for that even! The works shifts were reviewed with a team of 5 doing setup on Thursday, a team of 9 covering the first shift on Friday (12 - 5) and a similar number expected for cleanup. Rotarians were reminded to bring desserts and the selections were amazing.
After lunch, Buzz & Regina Johnson gave a presentation on their new business: Snow country Greenhouse. They have developed a greenhouse that will stand up to the Keweenaw winters and snow cover without collapsing. SnowCountry Greenhouse offers various pre-set size products as well as the capability to customize to your specifications. Construction is with Western Cedar and 8mm thick polycarbonate that provides the light transition efficiency of a single pane window. Purchasers need to provide their own foundation so the structure can be properly anchored.
Buzz got into this business due to a long family history of gardening. The greenhouse design is estimated to add 1 month to the start of the growing season and extend the end by 1 and a half months. In other words, a potential 8 month season.
Rotarians who are interested can contact Buzz or Regina by email at or by phone at 906-296-0289.
(Here's a picture of the greenhouse. Looks great!)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Business Meeting, March 3, 2010
Happy Dollars were collected from Tom T, Andy, and Pastor Pete (Pete skied his 18th Birkibeiner Ski Race of 50km this past weekend). We also celebrated 1 birthday this month – Andy Murtagh. We sang Happy birthday in both English and Canadian.
President Jim announced that 6 members had perfect attendance for Feb and the Club attendance reached 61%. He appreciates the makeups he has received. The makeup, he noted, helps with the Club’s attendance.
Treasurer Joel announced the Club’s checking balance = $4689.22 and Savings =$195.46. All known bills have been paid.
SPAGHETTI DINNER IS FRIDAY MARCH 12! We will be serving from 1pm to 8pm on Friday March 12 at the Irish Times. The Copper Dog 150 racers will be drawing for starting positions at the Irish Times on that date and we will be feeding them and serving from 1pm – 8pm. Workers will be in 2 shifts: Shift 1 is from 12 noon to 5pm and we have 7 of the 10 Rotarians we need for this shift. Shift 2 is from 5pm – 9pm and 10 Rotarians are needed. Please notify Kevin Store or Tim Baroni for your work preference.
Baked goods and desserts are needed! A request to all our Rotarians: Please bring a dessert to the dinner. It is best to bring things like cookies or bars that are easy to serve. Bring your dessert to the Irish Times when you come to work your shift.
President Jim announced the Board had received several requests for donations including Little Brothers, Boy Scouts, Bay Cliff and Main Street Calumet. Several of the requests were submitted by form letter with no specific information resulting in the Board’s decision to not fund those particular requests.
Sue Dana asked for time at a future CLK Membership meeting to give a presentation on main Street Calumet. That meeting date will be in 2 weeks.
President Jim reminded the membership that Board meetings are held at Range Bank in Calumet at 4pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Board meetings are open to the membership.
The monthly 50/50 raffle was won by Kathy Johnson