Saturday, July 17, 2010

Regular Meeting, July 13, 2010

(Tim displays one of the our Rotary team's jerseys from the "old days." Matt Vertin donated two of these jerseys for our archive.)

A good crowd at today’s meeting!: 23 Rotarians and guests. Guests included Dave & Linda Grahek, Paul Gauthier, a visiting Rotarian from Fairfax VA, and Tom Tikkanen’s guests, Elmore and Linda who are owners of Thimbleberry Press which publishes Further North Magazine and are involved with MainStreet Calumet.

President Tim displayed a photo of a CLK Junior Hockey team wearing CLK Rotary hockey sweaters. He also had 2 old hockey jerseys donated by Matt Vertin. Both sweaters had CLK Rotary on them. Inasmuch as the new jerseys do not have the CLK Rotary, these are real collectors items and will go into storage for display at a future date. Finally, Tim sent around a "Thank You" card from Mike Fouts, one of our scholarship recipients.

The next Rotary Board meeting will be Tuesday July 20 at 4 pm in the Range Bank conference room. All Board members should plan on attending.

Tammies Announcement: (1) Sales teams were announced. A total of 36 tickets have been sold as of noon Wed. The Team selling the most tickets each week will win prizes. (2) Our Club Goal is for Club members to sell 400 tickets over the next 4 weeks. (3) A list of businesses for Rotarians to contact will be sent by email to our membership. Tickets sold to sponsors will be included in the weekly sales contest. (4) Tom Tikkanen will be contacting each Rotarian asking for housing for the Tammies. This is a great opportunity for your household to learn about the Tammies and the kids. Please say "Yes" when Tom calls you. (5) Tammies Ticket Sales forms are available on our Club website: (6)Jim Lowell is writing a document on the history of the Tammies and the Calumet area. This will be routed to each Rotarian.

President Tim announced perfect attendance for June: Joe Enrietti, Capt Don, Laura ,and Rich Schaefer.

[Dan asks, "Where were Phil and Andy today??]

Program: Kathy Johnson gave a very interesting program on the role of volunteers in the local hospice system. Hospice volunteer training will take place in mid-September, from 6:30 – 9 p.m. at Aspirus Keweenaw Home Nursing & Hospice. Kathy has the application forms that interested Rotarians need to complete.

Kathy made the point that hospice volunteers are bringing their personal touch to the patient and are there to help. Volunteers spend 2 hours per week and may be washing windows or talking with the patient. You may be giving the primary caregiver a respite. This is a very enriching experience for the volunteer. Kathy’s message: “Just bring yourself. The experience will be uplifting, rewarding, and personal.”

More Volunteer Opportunities:

Copperman Triathlon on Saturday August 7. If you can help, please let Phil or Dan know.

Great Deer Chase – traffic control volunteers needed for start of race. Contact Marc Norton at Copper Island printing or contact Dan Dalquist. See you next week for another great turnout.

(Kathy Johnson addressing members on the need for and rewards of volunteering in the local hospice system.)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Business Meeting, July 7, 2010

(Jim Lowell passes the gavel to our new 2010-2011 president, Tim Baroni.)

Tim Baroni’s first meeting as CLK Rotary club President. Congratulation!

We extend a Big "Thank You" to Past President Jim Lowell who served the CLK Rotary Cub well as our President for the past year.

Our guests this week were Margaret Johnson, Kathy Johnson’s daughter, Bob Sharkey, and Dave and Linda Grahek. Welcome to all!

There were a lot of Happy Dollars and Announcements keeping Phil busy moving around the room collecting the money. Bob Sharkey reported from the International Meeting at Montreal, that Polio is on track for eradication by 2012. The number of remaining known polio cases has been cut in half.

We celebrated July birthdays for Jim Corless and Jeff Primeau.

Third reading of Janice Vivian as prospective member.

Change in Officers: Rich Schaeffer resigned his post as Treasurer after a long period of service. President Tim accepted the resignation "with regret." The Club nominated and unanimously approved Sandy Huuki as our Treasurer.

Club attendance for May was 58%. We would like to see that number consistently higher.

No financial report as the past treasurer and incoming treasurer have not been able to meet.

Tamburitzans report: we have 6 weeks to sell tickets! Rotarians can obtain the ticket sales procedure and sales forms off our web site Click on “Our Projects” and then on Tamburitzan Ticket Sale Procedures to look at or print the process for selling tickets. Click on Tambutizan Ticket Order Form to print the document you need to sell tickets. TICKET SALES GOAL: 75 per week for the Club. If Each Member Sells 16 tickets, we achieve our Club goal of 450. We are presuming the Calumet Theatre will sell 200 tickets. A total sales effort of 650 tickets will result in a very successful project! SO ….. please get Out And Sell Tickets!

The Tammie Committee will meet Tuesday July 13 at 4 p.m. at the Edward Jones office in Calumet.

President Tim announced the Rotary board is looking for ideas to fund with District Grant money. Any Rotarian who has an idea for a larger community project should contact President Tim.

CLK Rotary Board meetings will continue to be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4pm at the Range Bank office on Calumet avenue in the Conference Room. The next Board meeting will be July 20.

The 50/50 raffle was won by Captain Kilpela, a cool $55. Congrats!

Reminder to the Club – we need volunteers to staff the Esrey Park bike turn-around for the Copperman

Triathlon on Saturday August 7. If you can help, please let Phil or Dan know.

(President Tim ran a very efficient and interesting first meeting.)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Regular Meeting, June 30, 2010

(As President Jim looks on wistfully, Bonnie Hay answers a question after her presentation. After passing the gavel next week to President Elect Tim, Jim can rest as Past President justifiably proud of his accomplishments.)

President Jim Lowell’s last meeting as President. We meet next Wednesday with President Elect Tim Baroni conducting our meeting and for the next 12 months as well.

Jim, the CLK Rotarians thank you for a successful Rotary year!

Guests included Dave & Linda Grahek, Bonnie Hay , and Capt Ben Kilpela.

Second Reading of Janice Vivian as potential member.

A variety of announcement & happy dollars were collected. Tom Scanlon paid his Happy $$ in foreign currency.

Bonnie Hay, representing the Gratiot Lake conservancy, delivered an interesting program showcasing the Gratiot Lake area. Much of what Bonnie presented is on the organizations web site The website includes a map with instructions on how to get to the Gratiot lake conservancy from US 41. Rotarians interested in driving to Gratiot Lake and seeing the area are encouraged to the check the website. Bonnie also suggested travel across the lake by boat to the access point. Visitors can hike, canoe or kayak. Winter visitors come by snowshoe.

The Conservancy is active in both conservation and education. The MTU summer youth program uses the J Bert Noblet cabin as a base to study water ecology. Local public schools also use the conservancy both for summer and winter camping and study.

Summer education programs include the Reading the Landscape. Additional information is available on the website listed above.

A very interesting program about a location many have never visited.

(Bonnie Hay of the Gratiot Lake Conservancy.)