Monday, December 27, 2010

(Dan Dalquist and his daughter, Kari Bangtson, who was our featured speaker.)

Attendance today was 19 including guests Tori Roose, our scholarship recipient, and Kari Dalquist Bangtson our speaker.

At the outset of the meeting, Tori gave the members an update on her progress that was deemed very significant. It is gratifying to see the contribution we make to these scholarship student bear fruit.

After luncheon and some happy dollars we were treated to a video presentation of Kari Bangtson's biking tour of Scandinavia with her friend, April, to study alternative sources of energy and to assess the carbon footprint of four countries, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. She was able to accomplish this with the aid of a grant from "Funds for Teachers," and organization that funds teacher projects with the goal of getting people excited about teaching and also in keeping them as teachers once they are in the profession.

The entire land portion of the study was accomplished by Kari and her friend on their bicycles, bicycles complete with their panniers loaded with tents and all their supplies.

They began in Iceland where geo-thermal and hydroelectric energy was studied and observed. Te beauty of geo-thermal is the fact that the supported infrastructure is hardly affected: "Drill a hole and there it is and when you're finished, move on the another hole." Simple.

In Sweden, they concentrated on observing the massive organization supporting recycling of waste and deriving energy savings through that process. In this manner, one's carbon footprint is greatly reduced if almost nil.

In Denmark they studied Wind and solar energy and in Norway energy through ocean wave technology.

Key to all these systems, they learned, was fourfold: First, one must produce the renewable energy; second, one must have access to an energy grid; third, one must be able to enter the grid; and fourth, it must be shown to have a stable and sustainable price (and I suppose profit) level.

They finished their trip in the cycling capital of the world, Amsterdam, Holland. Kari showed a video of one of Amsterdam's bike parking garage, a four-story parking garage with literally thousands of bicycles parked side by side.

With the beautiful video shots of the Scandanavian countryside, Kari and April had to keep reminding the viewers with a disclaimer, "It's only partially about the bike."

All in all, it was a wonderful presentation and daddy Dalquist was mighty proud of his daughter from Colorado.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Regular Meeting, December 15, 2010

Attendance, 24, including guests Linda Lowell and Bob Sharkey.

President Tim started the meeting by asking for Rotary members to help with setting out and lighting the Italian Hall Luminaries and picking them up. Set up is Dec 24 at 1pm and Takedown is Christmas Day at 11 am. Estimated time is 1 hour for each. Please contact Jeff Primeau at This is a project our Club has helped with funding and manpower.

Jim Lowell and Andy Murtagh reported 5 Rotarians and 1 spouse lent a hand to the Keweenaw County Sheriff on Tuesday in organizing the toys for the No Kid Without A Christmas program. Thanks to all who helped.

Program: The CLK High School Business Professional Associatiuon – sent a team to our meeting. The students: Meagan Yeo, Hannah Gregorich, Selena Stromer and George Gruver, are preparing for the Regional BPA Competition in January. This event places students from other UP high schools in various types of competitions. Winners will continue to the State competition with the potential to attend the national competition in Washington DC.

A Financial Analyst team from the CLK School BPA placed 3rd in the nation last year!
This team is focusing upon Presentation management. They delivered a power-point program on intern programs. Each of the 4 students spoke. We learned that intern programs may be available at the high school and collegiate levels. High schools programs are limited to CTE programs such as nursing. College or university programs might be domestic or international.
Several questions and comments were directed to the students after their presentation. The Club felt the students had performed well and wished them luck with their competition.


ÿ Friday Dec 24, 1:00 pm at the Italian Hall memorial for the installation and lighting of the luminaries.

ÿ Saturday Dec 25, 11:00 am at the Italian Hall memorial to pick up the luminaries.

ÿ Tuesday Feb 15, CLK Rotary Club Visioning project, 5 p.m. at the Irish Times. We need and expect all members to attend. <> Rich Schaefer is the contact person.

Your blog needs another author to share the load with Capt Don and myself. Would be great to rotate the responsibility every month or quarter. Contact Dan Dalquist or 370-2206

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Regular Meeting, December 8, 2010

Attendance was 18 including guests Dave & Linda Grahek who are relocating to Breckenridge, MI, until spring. Have a peasant winter folks.

Vice President Kathy presided over the meeting in President Tim’s absence.


Ø Tuesday, December 14 from 9 a.m. to noon Meet at Keweenaw County Courthouse to help sort and wrap gifts for “No Kid Without a Christmas.”

Ø Wednesday, December 15 at noon: tegular meeting at Irish Times

Ø Tuesday, February 15 at 5 p.m. at the Irish Times. We need and expect all members to attend. <> Rich Schaefer is the contact person.

Several Happy dollars were collected as well as fines for either not showing up for a bell-ringing shift due to illness or appearing to ring the bell at the correct time but wrong place! No names mentioned; you had to be at the meeting.

Program: Laura Miller, Executive Director of the Calumet Theatre and a CLK Rotary member, gave the club an interesting presentation on the history of the Theatr that opened in 1900. Some of the famous people who performed at the Theatre were Sarah Bernhardt, Douglas Fairbanks, and John Philips Sousa and his band.

The Theatre hosts over 50 plus performances per year including high school plays and concerts. In addition, the volunteers give guided tours. Most importantly, it is included on the National Register of Historic Places and is Participating Historic Site for the Keweenaw National Historic Park.

Built for $75,000, it is in dire need of repairs. Laura focused on the need for a new roof that needs to be re-engineered and replaced. The original design, still in place, brings water off the roof and into the building for disposal. Everything leaks including the roof.

Water damage is severe. Roof rafters are damaged. Ceilings, walls, and floors damaged. Emergency efforts include fastening tarps to ceilings so water is directed to buckets that are emptied by staff and volunteers as needed. The proscenium arch has water running along the backside to buckets.

The Village of Calumet owns the structure but does not have the resources to make the necessary repairs, so they have turned to the Pepsi Corporation “Challenge Grant Program.” If the Theatre is the top vote-getter for December, the prize is $250,000!

Quite simply, you win by getting votes. Therefore, Laura is asking all Rotary members and their families and friends to vote daily. She reminds everyone that they can vote three ways each day: 1) through FACEBOOK, 2) by signing on to or 3) by using your cell phone to Text 73774 and type 104720 as your message. Your Vote Is needed urgently so please vote Daily.

If you wish to donate to the theatre, know that it is a 501(c)3 corporation for tax purposes.

This blog needs another author to share the load with Capt Don and myself. Would be great to rotate the responsibility every month or quarter. Contact Dan Dalquist or 370-2206

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Business Meeting, December 1, 2010

Sorry for all the mistakes. I'll get this thing right eventually.

Attendance: 21, including 4 guests David and Linda Grahek, Sheriff Ron Lahti and Laura Miller’s mother Catherine Lee.

President Tim Baroni called the meeting to order then started with a round of happy dollars and announcements.

Laura Miller announced that the Calumet Theatre is officially vying for $250,000 from the Pepsi Refresh project. Money would be used for a new roof.

Tom Tikkanen noted that the Chamber of Commerce is looking for members for its Board of Directors and suggested that if anyone is interested they can contact Dallas Bond, C of C Executive Director. Tom noted that CLK Rotary has been well represented over the last decade or do with Dan, Jim, Kevin, Sue and himself representing the Calumet area.

Finance report: Sandy reported the following balances: River Valley - $1508.50, Superior National - $4234.73, Superior National Checking Acct - $4743.14. Motion to accept was approved (Tom T/Kevin S/Unanimous).

Steve Dlubula was recognized for a December birthday.

Attendance for November was 55%. Members with perfect attendance were Dan Dalquist, Joe Enrietti, Don Kilpela, Jim Lowell, Andy Murtagh, Dick Schaefer, Scott See, Pete Vorhes

Committee Reports:

Education – Choices in Lake Linden is done, currently scheduling CLK HS for January.

Spaghetti Dinner – Kevin is working on a poster. Dinner is scheduled for Mar. 11.

Visioning – Scheduled for Feb. 15, Schaefer reports that about 90% of club members plan to attend.

Luminaries – Jeff has ordered and received electric candles which will replace wax candles this year. He expects these to be easier to use and more reliable. We need one or two persons to help place luminaries on Christmas Eve and retrieve them on Christmas morning.

Foundation – Amy reports that we can start another 5x5 club if there is interest. She announced PHF recipients for this year, selected at random from current 5x5 clubs.

Sheriff Lahti talked briefly about the No Kid Without a Christmas program this year. He reported that he is currently collecting requests for help and thanked Rotary and other organizations who help with funding and distribution. President Baroni presented him with a check for $500 from the Club and told Lahti that he would get another $500 when club members have finished donations and Range Bank has contributed enough to reach the $500 level. Club members will convene on Dec. 14 at 9am in the Keweenaw Co. Court House to help sort and distribute gifts.

The monthly 50-50 drawing was won by the NKWC project and $42 was given to Sheriff Ron Lahti.

November 27 Meeting

Regular Meeting of November 27, 2010

Attendance = 17 including guests Dave & Linda Grahek and Laura Miller’s mother Cathrine Lee.

President-elect Kathy Johnson presided over the meeting as President Tim was absent.


Friday Dec 03 = Bell Ringing at Pat’s IGA in Calumet.

Tuesday Feb 15 = Club Visioning project at 5pm Irish Times. We need and expect all members to attend. <> Rich Schaefer is the contact person.

Laura Miller announced the Calumet Theatre expects to be approved to participate in the December 2010 Pepsi Refresh challenge. This opportunity will put the theatre in the national voting competition for funding. The $$ would be used for a new roof. Laura will let CLK Rotary know when to start voting. The key is – vote daily and get friends/family to vote daily!

Jim Lowell – CLK Rotary CHOICES chairperson, gave the program today. CHOICES is a 25 yr old program focused on 8th/9th grade students with the objective of 1) Addressing the high school dropout problem, 2) increasing the positive school engagement and, 3) improving students' knowledge, learning, attitude and motivation related to education and their future. Bottom line, help the students learn the short-term and long-term consequences of choices they make today and tomorrow.

Kudos to the CLK Rotary CHOICES team: Tom Tikkanen, Jim Lowell, Keith Stenger, Chris Davidson (Horizon School),Kevin Store, Tim Baroni, Janis Vivian, and Kathy Johnson. These folks have been trained to present the program to the CLK, Lake Linden/Hubbell and Horizon’s Schools. November 11 & 12 saw 41 ninth grade students in Lake Linden/Hubbell receive the CHOICES training. CLK schools will see 98 ninth grade students attend the presentations in January 2011.

CHOICES is presented by community members, not teachers, over 2 days. Each 50 minute presentation is interactive. It is a holistic approach expecting support from the families and teachers. Presentations are done by community members & organizations investing their time and money to get the students engaged in their own future. CLK Rotary will spend approximately $600 for teach materials this year in addition to the time the Presentation Team has invested.

Jim explained the CHOICES program does review the curriculum and presentation methods. The program is being restructured to address 8th grade children. It is also going digital. Most of the children are cell-phone savvy. The presentation will be completely interactive and focus on using game apps on cell phones for expressing the consequences, both good and bad, of making choices.

Jim closed the program by thanking the CHOICES team and the club. He reminded us all there is always a need for more Rotarians to become trained instructors. If you are interested, contact Jim Lowell.

Request: Your blog needs another author to share the load with Capt Don and myself. Would be great to rotate the responsibility every month or quarter. Contact Dan Dalquist HYPERLINK "" or 370-2206