After lunch, our speaker, Jim Lowrie, gave an interesting talk about the art of the Chapunga Sculpture Park in Zimbabwe. Jim first learned of them when the arboretum in Salt Lake City, of which Jim is on the board, held an exhibit of their work. During the exhibit, a brief demonstration of the sculpture technique was given. Those interested in pursuing the art were given a large piece of Offal Stone from Zimbabwe and some tools with the direction, "start carving." That was it. Jim did just that and has been doing it ever since. In the process, after acquiring many more tools he has produced several sculptures, two of which is brought to the meeting.
It was a very interesting program which elicited lots of questions and curiosity and, frankly, admiration for the work. Thank you Jim.
(Left: a Lowrie sculpted piece of offal stone from Zimbabwe embedded in his fireplace chimney in Eagle River. Below: two pieces that Jim displayed at the meeting.)
Upcoming Event: Don't forget the fund-raising dinner held this Saturday a 6 p.m. at Little Brothers in Hancock. Proceeds to help defray some costs for our two RYE students from the Copper Country. See last week's blog for complete details.
Next Week's Program Host: Sandy Huuki
Breaking News: I received the following note from Tom Tikkanen about Babette's diving feat.
Babette and approximately 60 others took their turns jumping through the ice.
With her typical trooper attitude, she charged out and without hesitation hurled herself in. She bobbed to the surface, sprang out of the water, and ran (as if all the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels) straight back to the sauna.
There were fewer jumpers than other years, indicative of the minus 20 degree wind-chill, I'm sure.
My photos did not turn out, but I expect some from my father-in-law. I'll forward one to you.
(Our Program Host and Sculptor, Jim Lowrie)