It was a pretty good group attending the meeting, 20 members and 2 guests. President Eva decided to share some thoughts about needs and upcoming events. Chief among them was her concern over attendance which, see averred, was nation wide. We cannot find consolation in the fact that this might be a trend among service clubs in general but rather we must work to renew our efforts to attract the important businessmen and women as well as professionals to the concept of "Service Above Self." Some cynics believe that altruism is a thing of the past; it is up to us to prove them wrong.
The March 9th Great Bear Chase and Rotary spaghetti dinner were discussed. Lucy, who has served as chairwoman in the past asked to be relieved this year. Within moments Tom volunteered for the job. Thanks to both Lucy and Tom. Tom said he will form a committee to meet and discuss ways to increase the attendance at that function. Anyone with ideas about promotion, please call Tom as soon as possible.
Eva announced that Ethan, because of a transfer at work, is switching his membership to the Hancock Rotary Club. We will contact his replacement and encourage him/her to join CLK as soon as possible. Contact Eva if you will serve out Ethan's term as club secretary.
Upcoming Events:
March 9: Great Bear Chase and Rotary Spaghetti Dinner
Next Week's Program Chair: George Kiiskila
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