(Hello all. Greetings from sunny Florida. Betty Kilpela enjoys breakfast at a small outside cafe in Manalapan.)
At the outset, I want to thank Kathy Johnson for supplying me with details of the meeting so that I can continue writing this blog thereby providing a sort of historical memoir of the CLK Rotary for future generations. Unfortunately I haven't yet received any photos but if I should get some, I will simply add them at a later time.
Since this blog is not only an historical account but something concrete for those who may have missed the meeting thereby keeping them informed of upcoming events, needs, etc.
Kathy reports that there was a good turnout at the meeting at the Irish Times. As many of you know, because of an increase in Cormac's duties at MTU both he and Lisa have decided to sell the "Times." Unfortunately, that is about all I know of the situation. If and as they share more of the details with me, I will pass them on to you. I feel sad about this because I have come to love the joint (and especially our luncheons) but Betty and I understand about commitments.
The first order of business was the announcement that the annual rowing competition begins on March 8. I trust that Phil will provide all the details for the next blog.
Next, I was asked to provide members with a description of the Rotary Shares project. Here it is:
As many are aware, the theme of Rotary Year 2007-08 is "Rotary Shares."
The 2007-08 theme Rotary Shares acts as a daily reminder of what ordinary people can accomplish through the extraordinary work of Rotary, said RI President-elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson. "What makes Rotary great is our expressing the love in our hearts through the work of our hands and our minds," said Wilkinson. "As Rotarians, we don't just sit back and talk about loving other human beings. As Rotarians, we demonstrate that love, and we share that love, through helping each other." And Rotarians don't need to do this alone. They know that when the need for service in their community can't be met by one club alone, they call on Rotarians from around the world to help. More than a theme, Rotary Shares is a call to action. Sharing Rotary ensures that Rotary continues a second century of service. Rotary Shares means inviting people to join their local Rotary clubs. "Rotary will only be able to continue sharing if it continues to grow," said Wilkinson. To help Rotary grow, Wilkinson requested that all district governors ask their club presidents to bring in one new club member during their year in office. "Without new members, nothing else matters," he said. Without our youth and new members, "it will only take a few decades for Rotary to disappear, and we've already seen that happen in other service clubs." In addition to the crucial job of welcoming new club members, the president-elect said Rotarians should not forget their past. He asked them to reach out to former club members, including club members' widows and widowers. "I ask you all, this year, to share Rotary freely and fully. Work hard, and work with love. And remember that everything you do in service to others is part of the magic of Rotary, the magic that allows ordinary people, like you and me, do absolutely amazing things."
Reading President Wilkinson's statements and challenges reminds me of the time that Postal Savings (we older members remember that organization) simply ceased to exist because they did not adapt to the changing times and did not try in any way to solicit new members. Within a short time, poof, they were out of business. It is up to all of us to make sure that the CLK Rotary doesn't follow the same path.
Members were reminded that the 6220 District Conference will be in Marquette, our Governor's home base, on May 16 - 18. It is a very exciting conference every year and we would expect the have a great turnout from Houghton, Hancock, Ontonagon, and the CLK. Being that it is so close should make the expense somewhat less for those of us up here. Let's hope the snow is gone by then.
A Group Study Exchange (GSE) from Brazil will be visiting this area starting on May 12. There is a need for housing for members of the group. I remember our last group from Argentina. If I recall, we gave them, a sunset cruise ride in Copper Harbor and I am willing to do that again if asked.
The spaghetti dinner fund-raiser will be held on March 8 from 4-8 p.m. I hope everyone takes a part in this and helps to make it the best ever. Moreover, we need to sign up to supply desserts as well. Posters were distributed; please get them up as soon as possible.
The program for the day was given my Richard Dana on the trolly that operated throughout the Copper Country from 1902 - 1932. To supplement Dan's program, here is a web site witrh some very interesting pictures and facts. Simply double click on it and it should open. If not, copy it and paste it in your browser.
http://www.pasty.com/copperrange/traction.htm (Traction Company web site)
That's it until next week and I'll see you at the first May meeting, if not before.
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