Turnout for this week's meeting consisted of 17 members and 7 guests. Guest were Linda and Dave Grahek, Roger Webster from Troy Rotary, Bill Fink and Bob Sharkey from Houghton Rotary, and our speakers, Carol Fouts and Susan Hallwachs both of Hearing Applications, L.L.C.
Kevin announced that only two showed up on Saturday to clean our stretch of highway, he and Jim Lowell. That's too much for two people, folks, so we've got to change this or stop doing it. If a lot more show up, we can finish this project in one hour. So let's have a resurgence of enthusiasm for this worthy community exercise; that's what we are in Rotary for, is it not? For the record, Kevin went back during the week to do a quick pickup of the most noticeable trash. Perhaps this project should be opened for ideas.
Also, members are submitting ideas to Kevin and the board on the long-term project we have been discussing. The docket is still open so drop him or any board member a note and let them know what you think should be done.
Our speakers, Susan and Carol brought a variety of instruments to the meeting to demonstrate how we can help our aging parents, including aging members (I might add) to cope with this loss. Speaking from personal experience, it should be noted that of all the handicaps, hearing loss is the least respected and the least tolerated. It is not only difficult but very expensive to try to compensate for this loss but maybe this company has some answers. They are located in Allouez at 906-337.
See you next Wednesday.
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