The CLK Rotary Club awarded two $1,000 scholarships to two deserving students who graduated from their respective high schools on Friday evening.
The first $1,000 scholarship was awarded to Zachary Tervo of Calumet High School. Zachary is committed to a career as a Diesel Technician and after further study intends to establish his own business here in the Copper Country. His post graduate education is estimated to cost $30,000 over two years. Congratulations to Zachary and good luck in establishing your business for that specialty is sorely needed in this area.
The second $1,000 scholarship was awarded to Holly Crouch of Lake Linden High School. Holly will attend Finlandia University studying graphic arts. Holly, in addition to being a single mother, was on the honor roll and active as a cheerleader. Her references were excellent. Congratulations to Holly in her chosen field.
CLK Rotary members can be proud of its support for these two deserving students as they furether their careers. We look forward to having both of them at our luncheon meeting as soon as possible.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Regular Meeting, May 27, 2009
The meeting was attended by 17 members and 2 guests.
Vice President Jim Lowell presented some announcements:
1) the highway cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 30, at 9 a.m. We meet at the corner of Calumet Avenue and Pine Street.
2) One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at the Lake Linden H.S. graduation and another at the Calumet H.S. graduation. Winners of the scholarships will be announced to the members after the graduations. Thanks to all CLK Rotarians for this generous award. The plan is to have the winners at our luncheon so that we can all meet them.
3) Sue Dana announced that Region 7 of the Michigan Municipal League will be meeting in Calumet on June 3 to 5. It has been 15 years since there last meeting in Calumet so an all-out effort is being made to make them feel good about the area. Accordingly, Sue is asking for any gifts members might want to donate for distribution to the attendees. Donations should be in her hands by Monday, June 1.
4) Tom Tikkanen announced that 20 members of the Michigan Mainstreet Network will also be meeting in Calumet with a social networking program to occur on June 17 at St. Ann's Church. This is a good chance to show off our Mainstreet accomplishments so a good turnout will go a long way to establish a good public relations with the Mainstreet program.
5. Dan Dalquist, who is the general chairman of the Tamburitzan Fund Raiser, then took the floor to explain in detail the procedures for ticket sales at this important function. He pointed out that there are many ways people and businesses can donate and get some recognition as well. Attached to this blog is a copy of the procedures and the order form. We can't start early enough or work harder to make this the huge success that Dan is expecting, namely, a Full House. The sales teams will be announced next week.
(Here is a happy Chairman Dan with his "Full House." Let's all make this a reality and keep Dan smiling.)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Regular Meeting, May 19, 2009
There were 18 members and 1 guest at Wednesday's luncheon meeting. Our guest and speaker was Emily Krznarich who is the Great Start Director for the CC Intermediate School District.
A work detail sheet was passed around and so far we have 6 workers for the highway cleanup on May 30. To make light work, it is best to have at least 8 workers so we are looking for 2 more. Anyone game?
After lunch, Emily Krznarich was re-introduced and she gave a thorough and interesting presentation on the Great Start Collaborative of the tri-counties of Baraga, Houghton, and Keweenaw.
The collaborative which is funded by Michigan's Early Childhood Investment Corporation and administered by the CCISD addresses five important barriers to learning: physical health of the child, social-emotional health, parent support for the child, early care and education, and basic security and safety needs. Unquestionably, the first five years of a child's life while critical to his development in many areas can also be an opportunity to make a major life-long difference in his/her life. What an opportunity! Think about it; to be able to affect a child's ability to develop innate skills has to be the most rewarding undertaking there is. But they need volunteers aplenty. If any CLK Rotarian wants to take on this challenge, call Emily at 906-482-4250, Ext 260, and she will put you to enriching work.
The first annual CLK Rotary scholarships will be announced at the graduation of the Calumet High and Lake Linden High. Two scholarships will be awarded, one for each school, but will not be announced until the graduation ceremony. These scholarships are worth as much as $1,000 each depending on needs. More on that as soon as they are awarded. We CLK Rotarians can be rightly proud of making this an annual goal of the club.
(Emily Krznarich making her presentation to the club.)
Procedures for CLK Rotary Sales of Tamburitzans Tickets
The Tamburitzans will be at the Calumet Theatre on August 15, 2009
All seats will be reserved, with a ticket price was $15 for all seats1. In the past, CLK
Rotary members are responsible for selling tickets to the event, backed up by the Calumet
Theatre box office. Heavy emphasis is put on contacting area businesses and enlisting
them as sponsors. Any area business purchasing tickets will be listed as a sponsor in the
program book insert at the event.
General Procedures
1. Event tickets will be on sale at the Calumet Theatre box office. Only that venue
will be able to assign seats and issue tickets.
2. Rotary members will take orders from patrons, fill out an order form, collect a
check and return order forms and checks to the Calumet Theatre.
3. The Calumet Theatre will receive checks and issue tickets per instructions on the
order form.
4. Rotary members will keep a copy of the order form, which will be turned in to
team captains for use in determining the winners of fabulous prizes each week.
Club Ticket Sales
1. Ticket orders will be taken on the order form included as Attachment 1.
2. Order receipts must be turned in to club treasurer to receive credit for sale.
3. Check or credit card information must accompany order form to receive credit for
4. Make sure that all order information is provided and put your name at the bottom.
5. Checks must be made out to Calumet Theatre.
6. Credit Card sales are allowed if applicable credit card information is
provided on the order form.
Group Sales
1. Purchases of 10 or more tickets will be discounted $2 (i.e., $13 per ticket).
2. Purchases of 30 or more tickets will be discounted $4 (i.e., $11 per ticket).
1. Businesses purchasing tickets will be listed in the program insert as show
2. Sponsors may opt to donate tickets to CLK Rotary for distribution to needy
organizations (e.g., Little Brothers, elder care facilites).
3. CLK Rotary members will be assigned businesses to contact to encourage
purchase of Sponsor tickets.
4. Sponsor ticket orders MUST indicate that the sale is to a sponsoring business by
checking the Sponsor box on the order form.
5. Sponsor ticket order forms MUST show the business name as it should be listed
on the program insert.
Any Questions? See Jim Lowell as soon as possible: Remember, 2009 A FULL HOUSE.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Regular Meeting, May 13, 2009
Wednesday's luncheon meeting was attended by a nice turnout of 20 members and 2 guests. Our guests were Sharon Fisher (a potential member) from Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital and Ray Wengler, our speaker representing Omega House.
Andy, having been back in Canada for a reunion of sorts, introduced members to the Loonie and Toonie, the Canadian one and two dollar coins respectively. It should be noted that the presentation cost him 2 Happy Dollars and a typical ribbing from the membership. Andy, good sport that he is, took it all in stride.
After lunch, President Kevin again introduced Ray Wengler who gave a stirring and compelling power point presentation about Omega House and the need for community support. Ray pointed out that Omega House is a 6-bedroom facility adjacent to the Bluffs in Houghton the purpose of which is to provide peaceful surroundings and pain-managed, 24-hour care for anyone who is terminally ill. Residents pay only according to their ability; no one is turned away for lack of finances. The only qualification for residency at Omega House is that the person must be certified terminaly ill and enrolled in a licensed hospice program or qualify for hospice care.
While at Omega House, residents and their families receive individualized care that addresses their physical, spiritual, emotional, psychological, and social needs. Hospice caregivers help manage dibilitating pain and other symptoms so that residents can live each day more comfortably and with dignity. What could be more fulfilling than to provide that type of care?
As a board member since 1994, Ray has been active in supporting the facility and welcomes any volunteers wishing to visit or read to the residents, to cook, clean or shop, and/or to make donations or support Omega's fundraisers. For more information, visit the house or call 906-482-4438. Hate to tell you this, good folk, but we're all headed that way, so help if you can.
In closing, Andy reminded everyone that it is our time to clean up our stretch of highway so next week we'll have to select a date to pull it off. And Sue reminded everyone about the upcoming open house at the CopperTown USA museum on Saturday, May 16 from 12 - 5. Come and see the latest development of this wonderful museum of our hertiage.
(Ray Wengler received the cherished mug from President Kevin along with a big hug which your editor failed to capture on film.)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Business Meeting, May 6, 2009
Business Meeting, May 6, 2009:
Well, folks, it's great to be back among the best Rotary people in the district.
Our meeting today was attended by 21 Rotarians and 1 guest, Rita Schaefer.
(Guest Rita Schaefer and husband, Richard.)
Several items of interest filled the allotted time. Among them were:
1) The new "Donation Request Form" and methodology. Attached is the form for those organizations requesting CLK funds. This is vitally important to the club inasmuch as from this information we will be able to see what impact our contribution is making on our community. This method is a significant and timely improvement over the way we make these contributions in the past. Moreover, because of our recent committments to the CLK Rotary Scholarship program and other projects, this method become even more important. Forms can also be obtained from our president.
2) The Tammies, our all-important fund-raiser for 2009. Chairman Dan has issued a non-revokable challenge to the club: A FULL HOUSE OF 650 PATRONS. If we all pitch in with a concerted effort, this can be accomplished. In short, grab a job or two and start working. The Tammies Committee will have a meeting on Monday, May 11, at noon in the Conglomerate Cafe in Calumet. We'll see you there.
3) Jim Lowell informed everyone about the bikers coming to the area in July as part of the "Hog Festival" in Copper Harbor. Hundreds of bikers will be in the area and Jim suggested that CLK handle the refreshments wherever they will be. More on this as details become clearer.
Finally, while your editor was slaving away in South Palm Beach, Florida, for the past three months, two new members were inducted int the club. They are Ole van Goor, owner of the Dapple Grey Bed and Breakfast of Copper Harbor, and Jeff Primeau, owner of Opus Web Design. Welcome, gentlemen.
(Left to right: Jeff Primeau, President Kevin, and Ole van Goor.)
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