Business Meeting, May 6, 2009:
Well, folks, it's great to be back among the best Rotary people in the district.
Our meeting today was attended by 21 Rotarians and 1 guest, Rita Schaefer.
(Guest Rita Schaefer and husband, Richard.)
Several items of interest filled the allotted time. Among them were:
1) The new "Donation Request Form" and methodology. Attached is the form for those organizations requesting CLK funds. This is vitally important to the club inasmuch as from this information we will be able to see what impact our contribution is making on our community. This method is a significant and timely improvement over the way we make these contributions in the past. Moreover, because of our recent committments to the CLK Rotary Scholarship program and other projects, this method become even more important. Forms can also be obtained from our president.
2) The Tammies, our all-important fund-raiser for 2009. Chairman Dan has issued a non-revokable challenge to the club: A FULL HOUSE OF 650 PATRONS. If we all pitch in with a concerted effort, this can be accomplished. In short, grab a job or two and start working. The Tammies Committee will have a meeting on Monday, May 11, at noon in the Conglomerate Cafe in Calumet. We'll see you there.
3) Jim Lowell informed everyone about the bikers coming to the area in July as part of the "Hog Festival" in Copper Harbor. Hundreds of bikers will be in the area and Jim suggested that CLK handle the refreshments wherever they will be. More on this as details become clearer.
Finally, while your editor was slaving away in South Palm Beach, Florida, for the past three months, two new members were inducted int the club. They are Ole van Goor, owner of the Dapple Grey Bed and Breakfast of Copper Harbor, and Jeff Primeau, owner of Opus Web Design. Welcome, gentlemen.
(Left to right: Jeff Primeau, President Kevin, and Ole van Goor.)
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