Friday, August 28, 2009

Annual District Governor's Meeting, August 26, 2009

(District Governor Mary Schwaiger addressing the CLK Rotary.)

Attending this meeting were 17 members and 7 guests: guests were Bob Sharkey our Assistant District Governor and Anil Jambakar both of the Houghton club; Dave and Linda Grahek and their granddaughter; Keith, and District Governor Mary Schwaiger.

After a spirited Happy Dollars spree and lunch, Mary was reintroduced to speak to the club.

From the Green Bay club, Mary indicated early on that she identified with the Green Bay Packers (and for that your author forgives her) and that she is a dedicated Rotarian through and through.

Her presentation was what every Rotarian needs from time to time: a reminder not only of what we have been accomplishing but of what our goals could and should be if we continue to work hard at what we do best, i.e. helping other less fortunate. After all the theme of Rotary at present is, "The Future of Rotary International is in Your Hands."

Mary reminded everyone that there are 33,000+ Rotary clubs organized into 551 Districts and 34 Zones and that the tremendous accomplishments of RI could only be possible with this exceedingly effective organization. She pointed out that each of the 551 district governors has established district goals for the year and the totality of that effort is indeed overwhelming. For example, District 6220 goals for the year are:

1. A Presidential Citation fo each club.
2. EREY, a donation of $100 from Every Rotarian Every Year.
3. A Polio Plus fund-raiser during the year.
4. 80% member retention for the year.
5. Visioning. This is a "vision" meeting conducted by trained facilitators to help each club create its future in Rotary. In this regard, anyone wishing to be a facilitator, contact the Houghton club through Jim Lowell.
6. Have fun. In short, all work and no play....etc.

Mary reminded us of the 2010 District Conference of which she will be hostess on May 14-16 in Green Bay.

Finally, she pointed out that the little things we do will help to spruce up our image, things such as re-labeling our Rotary Magazine with our message after we've read them and bringing them to the various doctor's offices, etc, through the area.

It was an inspiring presentation done by an inspired presenter.

(Jim presented Mary with a small reminder of her visit to the Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw area.)

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