Attending the meeting were 13 members and 3 guests. Guests were Dave & Linda Grahek from Breckenridge Rotary and Dennis Harbour, Superintendent of the Copper Country Intermediate School District.
1. President Jim announced that due to the press of his business, Ole van Goor has tendered his resignation to the club. It was accepted with deep regrets and the hope that in the future as time permits, Ole will re-join the club.
2. Jim noted that three members have signed up for the training session to become mentors to students in the Calumet and Lake Linden high schools; they at Tom Scanlan, Tom Tikkanen, and Kevin Store. Thank you, gentlemen. There is still time for others to sign on to this important mentoring task. If interested, call Jim Lowell ASAP.
3. In terms of the all-important membership committee, Jim decided that there would be no specific committee assigned; rather, he said, we are all responsible of the growth and survival of this club and any ideas for increasing and retaining members are welcome.
4. Finally, he announced that "category" programs are welcome. If any member wants to talk about his Rotary category, please see Jim.
After lunch, our speaker, Dennis Harbour, was introduced. Though much was discussed about the need for state action on a budget, his primary message was explaining the difficulty school districts have in setting their budgets. For example, the school district budgets must be set by the beginning of their fiscal year, July 1. Unfortunately, the state budget must be set by the state's fiscal year beginning October 1. It doesn't take rocket science to realize that school districts are budgeting blindfolded, with only guesswork for what the state will contribute to their undertaking.
Compounding this problem, Harbour said, was the absolute fact that no further cuts in program can be expected, cuts as little as 5% were to Harbour unachievable.
The solution should expenses exceed revenues? The districts will operate at their basic minimum until the money runs out and then simply close the school. As Draconian as this sounds, it is a real possibility according the Harbour.
The entire program was interesting and thought-provoking. We need an angel of some sorts (an improved economy or auto business) to appear on the horizon. Good Luck!!
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