Thursday, November 12, 2009

Regular Meeting, November 11, 2009

(President Jim congratulates new member Scott See.)

Nineteen Rotarians met today and enjoyed a good lunch. Guests were Dave/Linda Grahek and Chuck “the Red Rose” Wicker from Hancock Rotary club

Announcements included: >Welcome Back to Capt Don Kilpela - back from his Italian trip! >Kevin Store is in Portage Health ICU with the H1N1 flu and pneumonia. We all wish Kevin a quick return to health! > No program today so we will resume/complete last week’s business meeting. (Did the agenda come to the meeting this week?)

Capt Kilpela gave several Happy Dollars as he reported that Tom Scanlon is recovering from his surgery.

New Member: President Jim inducted Scott See (sponsored by Sue Dana) as our newest Rotarian. Welcome Scott! Jim also read Jeff Slivkoff’s name for the first time – a potential member. Jeff is the General Manger of the De La Terre restaurant in Lake Linden.

Birthdays: Joel keranen, Amy Roberts (plus today is her youngest child’s birthdate!), Phil Smythe and Babette Jokela.

CLK Rotarians w/perfect attendance in October were: Patsi, Dan, Sue Dana, Joe Enrietti, Joel, Tom L, Jim Lowell, Rich S, Andy, Phil and Peter Vorheis. Club attendance was 57%. Congratulations to our Perfect Attendance members!

Club Business updates:

1: New trading banners are still in the works – need data from Kevin Store.

2: CHOICES program will be presented at Lake Linden Hubbell Schools – 9th grade classes on 11/30 and 12/1. Calumet Schools will be 12/7 & 12/8. Could use more Rotarians for the Calumet Schools dates.

3: A letter request from Zack Tervo – one of our scholarship recipients was read. Zack is doing well in school and plans on completing his program in June 2010. He is planning on returning to the area and opening a repair facility in the area. Very good feedback from Zack. Our Scholarship $$ are making a difference. Motion by Tim Baroni, Second by Amy Roberts to immediately pay the second installment of the scholarship. Motion passed.

4: No Board meeting in November due to conflicting activities & events. The Board will meet once all members return from deer camp and the hospital!

5: Phil has an updated member roster that Jim Lowell will email to all Rotarians.

6: The CLK Rotary Sheriff’s fund is now at $500 (member donations ) and still rising! A big thanks to those Rotarians who have donated to this worthy cause.

(Jim explaining the purposes and ideals of Rotary to new member Scott See.)

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