Friday, December 18, 2009

Meetings of Dec 9 and 16, 2009

(Kilpela missed Rotary Wednesday. Said he tried to plow on but didn't have all-wheel drive.)

December 9, 2009 Meeting:

President Jim Lowell called the meeting to order and introduced Sgt Frank Philips – CLK ROTC and Linda Grahek (Dave was out of town) . Sgt Philips was accompanied by two ROTC Cadets: Rochelle Miller – Junior at CLK High School and Katie Miller – Junior at Lake Linden Hubbell high school. Jim then read the names of two prospective members: Scott See and Keith Stenger.

The fall Highway pickup date will be determined at the monthly board meeting – most likely early October.The fall Highway pickup date will be determined at the monthly board meeting – most likely early October.

After our meal and Happy Dollars from 5 Rotarians, Sgt Philips took the floor. He explained the CLK ROTC program had nominated students for the annual RYLA training every years for the past 12 yrs. CLK Rotary sponsors this program at $250 per student per year.

RYLA students attend a weekend Leadership training program at Camp Manito-Wish in Wisconsin. Students experience a variety of leadership development skills including a variety of team-building games and a high ropes course!

The girls described their experience as “Amazing!”. Both have been asked to return next year as instructors at RYLA. Katie and Rochelle said they use the leadership skills in their daily activities with ROTC.

CLK Rotary should be proud of our continued sponsorship of such a worthy program.

December 16, 2009 Meeting:

We had a Full House at this meeting! Twenty Two Rotarians and guests enjoyed a good lunch and program. Guests included Dave & Linda Grahek (we ALL thought they had left last week!) and Pam Grill – Main Street Calumet Board member.

Tom and Sue Scanlan were welcomed back home.

Announcements included Andy Murtagh modeling his Canadian Air Force hockey jersey.

Pam Grill reported on the accomplishments and status of the Calumet Main Street organization. Main St is an organization that is administered in Michigan by MSHDA. Main Street states it has the formula for creating a viable and functioning downtown for a community. She gave several examples of downtowns that have been recovered and are providing economic growth – including Calumet.

Several key points include comparing our Keweenaw National Historical Park (KNHP) to other national landmarks such as Harper’s Ferry, Lowell Massachusets and Valley Forge! We do have many things to be proud of in Calumet, Laurium, and Keweenaw.

The Main Street organization was started in 1980 and now numbers over 2000 communities. Calumet was selected as a Main Street community in 2003. The focus is on the historic district of Calumet with efforts to improve economic gains, renovate properties, sponsor events, and other activities. For example, from June 2005 through May 2008, Calumet Main St attracted 9 new businesses resulting in 45 new jobs.

CLK Rotary made a three-year commitment of money to help Main Street get on it’s feet in the early years. As then, Main Street needs help with it’s funding. Support can be provided by becoming a Main Street member, by volunteering for various committees or events, or by making a contribution directly to Main Street.

See you next week.

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