Monday, May 31, 2010

Regular Meeting, May 26, 2010

(Matt Vertin listens intently to a question from the audience.)

Attendance: 17 Members and two guests

Guests today were Janice Vivian RN, Manager of the new Garden View Assisted Living and Memory Care center (the old Stillwaters facility is being completely renovated) and Matt Vertin, representing CLK Junior Hockey Association.

Announcements: Condolences were proffered to Joel Keranen and Patsi Bastian on the loss of their relative Jim Jukuri. Jim passed away last Friday, May 21. He was a past member of our Rotary Club. Also, President Jim announced that his brother-in-law had passed away recently from cancer. Our last announcement was Captain Don’s upcoming 80th birthday on June 09.

The program on the state of CLK Junior Hockey Association and sponsorships was presented by Matt Vertin. The hockey program has continued to evolve in difficulty as families have had to deal with increased expenses and the desire to have a common hockey identity or brand. Unlike the past, all teams in the CLK Junior Hockey Association are known as the "Calumet Ice Kings" and all wear same jersey.

Participants pay between $300 - $400 registration fee per year. Other expenses include travel, equipment, ice rental, etc., a daunting challenge, so sponsors are needed to help underwrite expenses.

The CLK Rotary has sponsored a team for many years, in the Bantams level. Our sponsorship has been in the $200 - $300 range. Our sponsorship was partly used to pay the costs of CLK Rotary Jerseys.

As teams participate in tournaments and travel, the need for a common identity had become apparent. The Association decided to establish the Calumet Ice Kings as the brand name. New jerseys were supplies to all players. Team jerseys displaying the sponsor's name on the front have stopped although sponsors, such as CLK Rotary, will still sponsor specific teams and will be recognized as sponsors in schedules, tournaments and announcements.

Matt addressed questions from the group after his presentation. He did say he thought he might know where an old CLK jr hockey jersey is located that may be obtained by our Club for display.

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