Our meeting today had 23 Rotarians and guests attending! A good crowd!
Guests: Dave and Linda Grahek; Katie Curtis, Aspirus Keweenaw Rehab & Fitness; Karen Kelly, RN Portage Health Dialysis: Jane Nordberg, Portage Health.
The meeting opened with a song (albeit a different song than our usual) and pledge followed by President Jim calling the meeting to order. First reading of Janice Torgeson Vivian as prospective member.
President Jim announced a change in the slate of incoming officers. Sandy Huuki, prospective Treasurer, has declined the position leaving the Treasurer position vacant. Rich Schaefer was nominated for Treasurer. Motion by Dalquist, second by Scanlon to elect Rich Schaefer as Secretary/Treasurer for the upcoming year. Motion passed unanimously.
CLK Rotary incoming officers are: Tim Baroni-President, Kathy Johnson-vice President, Rich Schaefer Secretary/Treasurer. President-elect Tim is also looking for Rotarians interested in participating as Board members. Please contact Tim Baroni if you are interested.
We collected multiple fines including a table fined for eating out of order.
Katie Curtis – Copperman Triathlong Organizing committee, asked the Club for Rotarians to help man the Esery park turn-around spot for the bike component of the Copperman. Katie needs 5-6 CLK Rotarians for this event – August 7. Several members signed up on the spot with more needed!
Program: Karen Kelly presented a request for Organ Donors. Portage Health has commited to recruit 400 organ donors this year. Donors need to register at a web site (www.giftoflifemichigan.org or at the Secretary of State. Karen cautioned the club to verify your registration on the web site listed above. The old system of signing the back of driver’s license is not official.
Michigan is 42nd in the country for registered donors. The Michigan Hospital Association is working to change that. There are 3000 people in Michigan waiting for transplant and over 104,000 in the US. Karen reminded us that one body can supply more than 50 parts to recipients.
Interest in becoming an organ donor? Follow these steps:
1> Go to www.giftoflifemichigan.org
2> Click on the “Become a donor” tab at the top of the page
3> In the box “Where did you hear about organ donation?” select “Hospital”.
4> In the box to select a hospital name, select the hospital of your choice.
5> Answer Yes or No to the question “Do you have a valid Michigan Driver’s license or State ID?”
6> If yes, enter your Michigan driver’s license number or State ID card number in the box provided. If no, you will be prompted for your street address.
7> Enter your name (as listed on your licenses or state id) in the box provided
8> Enter your date of birth in the box provided
9> Click “SUBMIT”.
10> In a few weeks, you will receive a heart sticker from the Michigan Secretary of State. Affix this sticker to your driver’s license. Future licenses will have a heart already embedded on your new license.