(Tori Roose, Mike Fouts, our high school scholarship recipients with President Jim,)
Attendance was 20 members and 7 guests, a nice full house. Guests were Tom Liljegren, Bob Sharkey, incoming District Governor, Scott Dianda, 110 District Candidate, Jeanette Polkinghorn and Lois Webber who were our program speakers, Mike Fouts and Tori Roose, our CLK Rotary Scholarship recipients. Returning Rotarians: Dave & Linda Grahek and Tom Scanlon
This enthusiastic group was full of Happy Dollars and fines. I could not keep track of who was paying for what purpose.
President Jim Lowell presented Scholarship checks to Tori Roose, our Lake Linden HS graduate who will attend Baker College to study as a Radiology Technician and Mike Fouts, CLK graduate attending the Powersport Institute of Ohio Tech College.
Our program featured Jeanette Polkinghorn and Lois Webber on a program called Simple Kindness for Youth (SKY). This program focuses on kids needs that are not being met through other programs. The example given was a child who wanted to join a swim team but whose parents could not afford to buy a swimming suit. SKY stepped in with a grant to buy the suit.
The program’s mission statement: To help young people build and maintain their self-esteem by providing means to access basic needs, enable them to feel accepted by their peers, and enable access to educational activities and community participation. Administration of the program is by SKY board members who are volunteers.
(Our program speakers representing SKY)
SKY Grants may not exceed $50 and are submitted by teachers, educational staff and other designated human services personnel. No other persons may submit applications for grants. The program focuses on youth in Houghton, Keweenaw and Baraga counties.
SKY accepts contributions (their budget calls for $10000 in contributions). The organization is located at 809 Hecla St in Hancock. Website is: www.simplekindnessforyouth.org
A very interesting program.
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