Monday, August 16, 2010

Regular Meeting, August 11, 2010


Our last meeting before the Tammie’s Performance!

Attendance = 20. Guests included Scott Dianda – candidate for 110 District seat, Mark Rusensil – Scott’s campaign manager, Dave & Linda Grahek and their granddaughter Chloe.

Thank You: Thanks to Andy, Tim, Capt Don, Rich Shaefer & Dan for representing CLK Rotary at the Copperman Triathlon. Our station was the Esery Park Bike Turnaround.

A number of Happy $$ were collected today by our Sergeant at Arms – Phil Smythe. Welcome back Phil!

Tammies Announcements: 1. Ushers are needed at the Theatre. Joe E, Jim L, Dan D and Tom T all helped. 2. Tom T distributed the housing assignments. 3. Ticket sales to date are CLK Rotary = 141 and the Theatre 279 for total of 424. More sales were received at the meeting. A final tally will be at the Aug 18 meeting along with the sales prizes. 4. A reminder to all Rotarians to wear their blue Rotary shirts at the concert on Sat 8/14.

Scott Dianda – candidate for the 110 District seat, presented his platform at the meeting. Many of his views and solutions can be found at his web site: Interested Rotarians can go to the website for detailed information.

He is conducting a fund-raising social at the Ramada Inn in Hancock on Thursday evening August 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. His special guest will be Senator Carl Levin.

Scott did have several Rotarians address questions & comments to him both during his presentation and after the meeting adjourned.

See you next week for the Tammies' wrap up.

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