Members present totaled 17 and included the captain who was not pictured.
The festivities got underway with a lusty rendition of "Happy Birthday" to Laura, our January birthday lady.
The Treasurer's Report featuring our bank balances at $8,380.78 was read by Sandy and accepted unanimously.
Our December attendance was 59% and deemed "better." Having perfect attendance in December were Kathy, Jim Lowell, Tom Tikkanen, Sandy, Richard, Peter, Joe, and Chuck. The mention of Chuck's name drew a hearty applause and laughter and he promptly donated a few happy dollars in thanks for the special recognition.
Choices Report: Calumet High School is next up for the Choices program on January 13.
Scholarships: On track.
Visioning Program: With more than 70% acceptance, Richard Schaefer expects a great outcome. He asked for numerous items such as easel pads, pens, etc. to assist in the prigram and members donated or promised top donate most of them,. The program takes place on February 15 with set up at 4 p.m. and the actual program at 5 p.m. Te Irish Times is the venue and there will be no Wednesday meeting that week.
Foundation 5 x 5 Clubs: Any reports both clubs on track.
Upcoming programs:
January 12: Quincy Smelter with Scott See
January 19: Copper Country National Scenic Byway designations with WUPPDR
January 26: "Darts" with Jim Lowell
Finally, criteria for our Signature Projects will be developed after our Visioning Seminar.
(Ooops, no ladies at this table. Ouch.)
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