Regular Meeting, May 30, 2007:
(A picture of our guest speaker, Daryl Pierce, Superintendant of Calumet Public Schools, who spoke to members at the May 30th meeting.)
President's Opening Remarks:
President Dan reported that the Board of Directors at their monthly meeting voted to recommend that the CLK Rotary Club hold its regular Wednesday meetings at the Irish Times Pub and Restaurant in Laurium. After a short discussion, the members present voted to accept the board's recommendation. Heretofore, all regular meetings through June 30, 2008, will be held at 12:10 p.m. at the Irish Times. Dan later attended a meeting with the House Committee of the Miscowaubik Club and explained the reasons for our decision and that in May, 2008, we will again discuss the venue for the 2008-09 year.
Attendance: 18 members, 2 guests: Daryl Pierce and Bob Sharkey, President of the Houghton Rotary Club who recently returned from Paris, France, having won the district-wide Rotary raffle.
Program: Daryl gave an interesting and informative talk about the various academic things mandated by the state. For one example, it is mandated that children in the third grade study a foreign language. (ED: when I was in school, a foreign language skill wasn't required of me until I was studying for a PhD; my how things have changed.)
What with "exit tests" for each class, for 1,090 hours of yearly classtime, for graduation tests, it is estimated that about 90% of the school system is under state mandate. And the state has the money to enforce thr mandates.
Daryl's talk drew numerous questions and a hearty discussion followed. At the conclusion, Andy presented him with our coveted speaker's gift, a Rotary Mug.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.
See you next week at the Irish Times