As is our annual practice, we are trying out new venues for next year’s meetings. This meeting and next week’s will be held at the Irish Times Pub & Restaurant in Laurium.
Attendance: 21 - Better, and "Welcome Home Tom."
The Meeting: After some preliminary comments about the Irish Times as a meeting place, Dan Dalquist introduced the program, Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Richard Baker, who gave an update on Chamber activities. Richard said that one of his most common questions is, “What does the Chamber do?” to which he responds, “whatever is necessary” from answering a myriad of telephone and e-mail querys to preparing "Relocation Packages." He said that the KPCC website has received 1.9 million hits so far. In addition he and his staff try to meet the needs of the 520 members.
It was an excellent presentation to which CLK members responded enthusiastically.
At the conclusion, Andy presented Richard with our new speaker gift, a handsome coffee mug.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, May 29, the Board Meeting at 4:30 p.m. in Dan’s office
June 1-3: District 6220 Conference in Minoqua, Wisconsin. The registration packet can be found at
Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.
May 30 Program Chair: Heather Store
A note about blogs: As time passes, previous blogs are kept in storage in case you want to look back. Simply click on the appropriate date or month to the left of the blog and you can see every post from the beginning. For those who have been away, this is an excellent way to catch up on all the club activities and accomplishments while you were gone.
Remember, next week, May 30, we meet at the Irish Times
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