Friday, May 11, 2007

Regular Meeting: May 9, 2007

Pastor Peter, our club Chaplain, was dressed to preach.

Attendance: 18 (We can do better)

Meeting: It was a quiet meeting for the most part. Andy was still looking for workers for the Highway Cleanup this Saturday, May 12. It looks like it will be a pleasant day so let’s get as many as possible, As my dad always said, “many hands make light work

Program: Lacking a formal program, Capt. Don was called upon to offer a tale or two which he did.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, May 12: Highway cleanup. Meet at Hwy 203 and Pine Street at 9 a.m.

Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.

June 1-3: District 6220 Conference in Minoqua, Wisconsin. The registration packet can be found at

Program Chair May 16: Eva Szilagyi

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