Having received the presidential gavel on July 1, new president Eva Szilalyi conducts her first meeting. It was a seamless transition and everything went according to tradition. Attending were 22 members and 3 guests. The guests were Lillia Szilalyi, Eva's daughter, Heather Pasich, and Dorothy Rouhonen, Jay's wife.
First order of business was to introduce the proposed membership of Kathy Johnson.
Members were reminded to start selling Tammies' tickets in earnest. Before we know it, the event will be upon us. So Eva asked everyone to get cracking and SELL!! Jim Lowell reminded everyone that volunteer ushers are always needed and welcome. If you decide to volunteer as an usher, you will be required to attend an orientation meeting at some point. Remember, the Tammies is our major fund raiser. Without success, we could never assist our community as much as we do.
Volunteers were sought for guards for the Great Deer Chase for as you know safety for the cyclists is paramount as they wend their way through Calumet. It is a short gig on the morning of August 18. Sign up next week if possible.
Finally, several volunteers signed up to assist in the Copperman Triathelon on August 4th. If you haven't already signed up and wish to, please do so next week. Our team of Tom T. (Swimming), Dan D. (Cycling), and Ed Y. (running) have guaranteed they will defeat all Rotary clubs entering. "We did it before, we can do it again," is their theme.
Upcoming events:
August 4: Copperman Triathelon in Copper Harbor
August 18: The Tamburitizans at the Calumet Theatre, 7:30 p.m.
August 18: The Great Deer Chase bicycle race. Swedetown Hill. Morning.
(Chuck Nelson , Arriving late and dressed in a colorful pink shirt--did someone say "salmon?")
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