(John Perala as Vince Lombardi giving first speech to his team.)
The meeting began with a wonderful monolog by John Perala who played a one man show that evening at the Calumet Theatre. Jim Lowell brought him to the meeting and John did two of the speeches from the play. Dressed and looking uncannily like Vince Lombardi, former coach of the Green Bay Packers, John did the speech that Lombardi gave to him players in their first meeting. Next, he did Lombardi's speech to his players when he retired. It was a real treat to hear this very good actor up close and personal. Both speeches were very moving.
Attendance was 18 members and 4 guests (including John). Guests were Dave and Linda Grahek and Julie Jenerjohn from the Houghton Club.
Numerous happy dollars were contributed in the name of Tom Tikkanen who was just named Michigan Main Street's Executive Director of the Year, a signal honor for one of our own. Congratulations, Tom. (see Tom's biographical sketch below)
Linda Grahek discussed the refurbishing of the St. Anne Hertiage Center organ. It is a monumental task disassembling the pipes, cleaning them, and storing them until the organ is ready to be assembled. The work is mostly volunteers and financed through grants and fund-raising. If CLK Rotarians want to participate, they can donate $25 per pipe or 5 pipes for $100. This is a very worthy cause and all Rotarians are asked to help out either physically or with their donation.
Concerning the Governor's dinners, Eva again asked that we present a strong showing at the dinner on October 15 at 6 p.m. in the Spica Restaurant, Houghton. As an added incentive, President Eva will announce at that time the member or members who will be awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship. A signup sheet for the dinner was passed. If you missed it, please notify Eva ASAP.
Jim Lowell alerted us on the danger facing snowmobile access to the Copper Country. Private property owners are using the courts to block trails thereby effectively cutting off access. In short, the problem is real and it must be addressed.
Next week: Business Meeting. Bring your 50-50 tickets.
(John, again as Lombardi, delivers the speech we gave upon retiring from the Packers.)
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