Attendance: 19 members, 4 guests. Guests were Rick Knutu, Doug Opplinger, Darryl Pierce, and Bob Olson. Olson, when he was in the Copper Country a year ago, promised Fine Line Tire of Hancock that he would return to conduct radio interviews during a 2-hour promotion for the company. I am told that tens of people called in to reminisce about the past with Olson. Someone said, "It's like old times."
Next, Eva reminded members that last year the CLK Rotary was a major participant in the annual District Governor’s Dinner and she hoped that we would be an even larger presence this year. The dinner will be held on October 15 at 6 p.m. in Houghton at the Spica Restaurant atop the Best Western.
Highway pickup time: a sign-up sheet was passed to recruit members to help in the highway cleanup on Saturday.
The weekly program speakers were Doug Opplinger, the director of the K-16 Enterprise Program at MTU and Superintendent of CLK schools, Darryl Pierce. Their talk consisted of an explanation of what the K-16 Enterprise pPogram is. It is a co-op program between MTU and Calumet High School during which students from both schools work on a meaningful long-term, multi-year project from inception to completion. According to Doug, students start to feel like professionals and that they own their education. It is significant to note that CHS was one of only three high schools to be selected to participate in the 2007-08 pilot program (the other two are Cass Tech H.S. in Detroit, and Utica H.S in Utica). Students selected to join are from many disciplines and interests; in short, their chosen projects are developed from many points of view including design, production, marketing, etc.
An important ingredient for the high school students is the chance to work on an even footing with college students, itself a real-life learning experience. More informatiuon can be found at
Next Week Program Chair: Phil Smythe
(Doug Opplinger, Director of K-16 Enterprise Program at MTU.)
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