Few members attended the final meeting of the CLK Rotary Club for 2007; in fact, there were but ten members and one guest in total. We almost all fit at one table. But a new year will be staring in a couple of days so lets turn over a new leaf and try to make attendance a bit more of a priority.
The speaker was your OLD blogger himself telling more stories. Oh well, take heart for I am running out of them. Inasmuch as your speaker had forgot it was his session, Dan suggested during lunch that I talk about winterizing the various Queens. I ended up telling about the three or four times I almost sank her at her winter dock and ended the talk with a story about the time I christened "Kilpela's Reef" at Isle Royale.

Oh well, retirement looms and none too soon. See you next wednesday....FOR SURE!!
(The Isle Royale Queen II perched on Kilpela's Reef, Isle Royale)
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