Our regular Wednesday meeting landed on December 31 so instead of a speaker or program, we just entertained ourselves and our tablemates. After the usual opening, there was a round of Happy Dollars and a good report on the luminaries which are now put away and stored until next Christmas Eve. An amazing number of people drove by the project and were awed by the sight. Someone suggested we make it the cover of our Rotary Christmas card.
Thgere were a total of 19 members present including two guests. The guests were Rylie Store, daughter of Kevin and Heather, and Ole van Goor of Copper Harbor. Ole is a past Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow and is looking to restore his membership in Rotary.
(Table 1 hosting guest Ole van Goor, Table 2 with no guests, and Table 3 hosting Rylie Store. Our guests are pictured below)
Next week, you can look forward to a business meeting. One item to be discussed at that meeting will be the Educational Scholarship Proposal.
Also, there will be more information on how we can contribute to the Polar Bear Dive by "you know who" at the next Heikkan Paivan Festival.
Finally, be reminded that our next two major fund-raisers are the Community Spaghetti Dinner in March and the Tamburitzans in August. Ideas for promoting attendance at both are highly encouraged.
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