Hello all. Attendance was 15 members and 2 guests: Coreen Balbough and Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey of Houghton. Before lunch, Bob reminded everyone of the Polio Plus Recognition Dinner to be held at the MUB on the MTU campus March 9. The bulk of the dinner will be covered as a luncheon substitution with (perhaps) a slight surcharge. In addition there will be a cash bar. Members are asked to bring a polio survivor as a guest if possible.
After lunch, President Kevin shared his vision and experience with the newly founded Community Partnership Committee, an organization of about 20 members representing a cross section of the various community organizations from education to industry. The organization will be structured as the Keweenaw Community Partnership Corporation and its principle purpose is to bring development dollars into the community as needed. For example, when a new industrial enterprize desires help and cannot get it because their business model doesn't meet present requirements, the corporation will step in and assist them. This can work for a number of organizations in education, industry, medicine, etc. Think of it as sort of a lynch pin tying all the often disparate groups in the Keweenaw Peninsula together.
All in all, it was an interesting presentation and we wish them luck.
Capt. Don is committed to raising at least $500 to provide matching funds for the Polar Dive by Babette with all funds raised to go to the Salvation Army. If anyone wants to contribute a few coins to this brave feat and worthy cause, see Capt. Don next week or the following week when Babette will make the dive into the chilly, choppy waters of Portage Lake. Brrrr.
Next week's program will feature a presentation by the Keweenaw Brewing Company of Houghton.
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