Tuesday, January 19, 2010

60th Anniversary Luncheon, January 13, 2010

(At left is a small display from our "scrapbopok" that wasn't kept up to date. The charter members were listed.)

Welcome to the 60th Birthday of CLK Rotary!

Today we met in the main dining room of the Irish Times due to 34 members & guests attending the meeting. Guests included Bob Sharkey-Ass’t Dist Gov., Lorraine Zeigler, Donna Cole and Ethan Johnson-Hancock Rotary, Randy & Gail Roberts , Marilyn Murtagh, Betty Kilpela, Joy Liljegren, Linda Lowell and Frank Fiala. What a crew!

(Below left: Patsy cuts the birthday cake. Below right: Andy and Kevin celebrate their Paul Harris Fellowships.)

Several members contributed Happy Dollars.

The Irish Times did a great job serving a roast beef luncheon.

After lunch, Amy Roberts-our Rotary Foundation Chair, presented several Paul Harris Fellow awards. The recipients were Andy Murtagh (his second award) and Kevin Store. Andy presented his award to Marilyn Murtagh. Amy Roberts received her Paul Harris from her participation in the Hancock Club’s (her prior club) Top 5 Club. Amy presented her award to her Mother-in-law Gail Niemela Roberts. All three new Paul Harris recipients received a round of applause.

(Above: Gail Roberts, and Marilyn and Andy Murtaugh pose with Amy Roberts.)

Our next activity was a group singing of Happy Birthday to CLK Rotary followed by cutting of the birthday cake.

(Left: Kevin being congratulated by Amy Roberts while Andy looks on.)

President Jim gave the floor to Donna Cole – Hancock Rotary. Donna presented a Rotary banner to CLK Rotary from the Rotary club of Kilarney Ireland – very appropriate as CLK meets in the Irish Times.

Joe Enrietti, who joined CLK Rotary in 1973, took the floor. Joe described the process used to nominate new members when he joined. At that time, any member could “blackball” a nominee. This effectively blocked the nominee from becoming a Rotary member. The process included placing a black ball into a container. The black ball was the veto.

Joe also described several of the Club’s meeting places . We understand the first meeting place for CLK Rotary was what is now the Irish Times! The Club also met at the Red Garter (burned down years ago) and the Miscowabik Club.

We look forward to another successful 60 yrs of service to our Community and the world through Rotary.

(Jim displays the club banner from Kilarney, Ireland. Very appropriate.)

(Below: Marilyn Murtaugh accepts her fellowship from Andy.)

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