The meeting was attended by 18 members – if you count Jim Corless, who was inducted during the meeting and Don Kilpela, who arrived late due to mechanical challenges with his car.
Jim Corless was welcomed into the Club. Jim is Superintendent of the Keweenaw National Historical Park. He followed the induction with a short introduction. During his career he has been posted at a number of National Parks> Though he has had previous contact with Rotary, until today he has not been a member. He has a comfortable Victorian home in Laurium and is pleased to be a part of our community.
Upcoming program schedule
Jan. 13 – Birthday Party
Jan. 20 – Copper Dog 150 – Tom Tikkanen et al
Jan. 27 – Little Brothers – Mike Aten
Members are invited to give programs.
Attendance for December was 60%, a nice improvement. We can do better. In that regard, the following members had perfect attendance in December: Patsy, Dan, Joe, Jim, Andy, Phil, Tom Tikkanen, and Peter. Counting today's new member, Jim Corless, the CLK Rotary has 29 members. New member roster Emailed today.
Lahti/Keweenaw County-No Kid Without a Christmas: CLK Rotary donated $1,020.00. The gifts were sorted by An dy, Amy, Jim, Tom Scanlan, Dick, and Tom Liljigren.
Choices program
a. Lake Linden's Choice programs were completed Dec. 1.
b. Presentation at CLK will be scheduled for late January
c. Still need presenters.
Board Meetings – 3rd Tuesday of month 4pm at Range Bank Conference Room. Next meeting Jan. 19. 2010.
The 60th birthday of CLK Rotary will be on Jan. 13. Jim Lowell will get an Email out to all members soliciting attendance information so Patsy can finalize plans.No one won the Raffle so the prize will accrue to the next winner.
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