Attending = 25 including guests Dave & Linda Grahek and Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey.
(Left: a single Birthday in September, the Reverend, Mr. Peter Vorhes, on September 28. A lusty chorus of H.B. was sung and Peter coughed up the dollar.)
Attendance for August = 65%. Thanks to all! Perfect attendance for August: Dan, Joe, Sandy, Capt Don, Jim Lowell, Andy, Rich and Tom T.
A variety of Announcements made & Happy Dollars collected.
President Tim asked the Club for ideas regarding a Signature Project, something to which the CLK Rotary can attach its name. The idea is to start planning now. Suggestions should be sent to Tim or to any board member.
Tim asked for all members to consider a local dues increase, perhaps to $5.00 per quarter. Dues for District and National are $104 per year. This generated a discussion about tax deductibility of meals for CLK Rotarians. This is an issue that each Rotarian needs to discuss with her or his tax preparer.
(Left: Sgt. at Arms Philip with Sandy and Jim after the meeting.)
Financial Report: Treasurer Sandy announced the Club has $4,221.51 in Savings and $5,156.29 in Checking as of 8/31/10.
The 2010-2011 budget was distributed to the members attending. After discussion, the budget was passed.
Andy requested the Board consider contributing money to the Northwoods Conservancy to help with the purchase of land at the mouth of the Gratiot River. Andy also suggested that individual Rotarians and/or their businesses consider donating toward the purchase. Donations can be sent to: Northwoods, PO Box 124, Calumet, Michigan 49913. Information on the purchase can be found at
Here's an early reminder that our September 22 meeting will feature our District Governor, Steve Selvick. This is a meeting we need to have all of our members in attendance.
Finally, be reminded that our board meetings occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4p.m. Meetings are held at the Range Bank conference room and all members are invited to
(Amy, Chairperson of the 5x5 clubs talking with Andy after the meeting.)
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