Attendance = 25 including guests Steve Selvick our District Governor (District 6220), Dave & Linda Grahek, Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey, and Marie Buche, President Houghton Rotary.
Announcements: Highway Pickup will be Saturday October 02. Meet at corner of Pine St and US 41 on the north side of Calumet at 0900. Phil passed around a signup sheet. This project needs lots of hands so please check your schedule and help.
A multitude of fines and Happy Dollars were collected. Thanks to all who participated.
Program: District Governor Steve Selvick talked about Rotary International motto of ”Buildling Communities and Bridging Continents”. His view was children are the key! Steve reported Rotary has had a focus on children since the start and youth are now our 5th Ave of Service.
Steve talked about the Family of Rotary and Rotarians need to balance family + work + Community + the world + Rotary. Our focus upon Service Above Self as the Rotary motto helps separate Rotary from other civic clubs. We have an amazing variety of local, regional, national, and international on-going projects to support.
Steve, supports emphatically the local clubs of his District 6220 and will help them attain the goals that they themselves set. This is a bottom up district administration that focuses on the individual clubs and their goals. All we have to do is ask for help when we need it. As a club, we need to complete the Visioning program. Keep what is working for and discard what is not and then replace discarded ones with new projects.
Steve reviewed in detail a variety of District 6220 programs including the ETTA project, Power Flour, and SAMP (Surplus medical supplies).
At the conclusion of his talk, Steve awarded a well-deserved Rotary Mug to Past President Jim Lowell for his past and continuing work on all the projects of the CLK Rotary Club. We can think of no one more deserving.
A very good meeting with a great program!
(District Governor Steve Selvick with Jim Lowell, Tim Baroni, and Bob Sharkey.)
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