Attendance: 25 including guests Linda & Dave Grahek (Breckinridge Rotary), Marie Busch (Hancock Rotary), and Sarah Shann and Dr. David Watkins of Engineers Without Borders, MTU.
President Tim reminded members of upcoming important dates:
Dec 3: Bell ringing for the Salvation Army. We need a few ringers. Contact Tim and 337-2000.
Dec 14: Keweenaw County Courthouse. 9-12, to help with Sheriff Lahti's No Kid Without a Christmas.
February 15: The Visioning Program
March 11: Community Spaghetti Dinner
The program: Sarah Shann, a senior Civil Engineering student at MTU and Dr. Dave Watkins, Advisor, rose to tell us about the MTU chapter activities of Engineers Without Borders. There are about 60 active members of the chapter representing a variety of disciplines all of which are necessary in any given project. In addition to fund-raising, the chapter is involved in university services, conferences, grant writing, and especially the projects themselves. For example:
Project 1: A Nutrition and Day Care center in El Porvenir, Honduras. The project designed a community and day care plan and engineering drawings on a given site.
Project 2: In Bolivia, in conjunction with the Rotary Etta Project, a hygienic composing toilet to replace the pits and unsanitary methods in use.
Project 3: In Guatamala, a clean water project, named the Copper Country Guatamalen Accompiament Project in which sanitary wells are constructed along with hand pumps and health information instruction. One example, is a coloring book for youngsters to help them know and practice good health standards.
An interesting and vital program for 3rd world development. Further information can be obtained from the EWB-MTU President, Stephanie Tuck,, or Vice President Sarah Shann at
See you next week.