Attendance was 21 including guests Linda & David Grahek, Chuck Wicker with roses from the Hancock Rotary Club Fund-raiser, and Betty Kilpela. The roses are beautiful and only $50 per dozen all to the benefit of benefit of Rotary. They are still available at Kathy's Country Flowers.
In addition, Karen King represented the CLK schools.
Jim Lowell, who presided, reminded everyone of the meeting from 9-12 on December 14 at the Keweenaw County Courthouse to work on the Sheriff's Annual Christmas Presents.
The rest of the meeting was devoted to honoring our Veterans. Andy Murtaugh played a moving music video entitled, A Pittance of Time, written and performed by Terry Kelly of Newfoundland. Andy reminded us of a Veteran's Day tradition in Canada: at 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, the entire country stops for 2 minutes in remembrance of all veterans.
In addition, Andy ordered a cake decorated with "235" honoring the United States Marine Corps 235th birthday. He presented it to former Sgt. Don Kilpela who shared it with the group.
Kilpela, a noncom, says he was gratified to be in the company of so many retired officers and salutes them all as well as all veterans everywhere.
Following this, the meeting adjourned and Janice took everyone on a tour of the brand new facility. Speaking for the group, it is a warm and interesting home where everyone should feel very comfportable, The sleeping rooms are large and the recreation areas and dinner spaces very pleasant. All in all, it is a wonderful home for our elderly.
(Members on tour through the Garden View Assisted Living and Memory Care in Calumet.)
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