(Jim networks after the meeting with Amy and Sandy.)
Attendance today was 19 and included 1 guest, Linda Grahek.
Ad hoc President Jim Lowell brought the meeting to order and after lunch and a round of happy dollars, worked his way through the agenda.
First on the agenda was the traditional lusty salute to November birthdays, namely Joel, Phil, Amy, Babette, and Scott.
Financial Report: Sandy delivered the Financial Report showing a "Total on Deposit of $11,104.90." Motion to accept the report was seconded and passed.
Attendance in October was 59% with perfect attendance by Tim, Patsy, Dan, Jim, Dick, Tom T., and Peter.
Upcoming Programs:
November 10: Our luncheon meeting will be held at the new Garden View Assisted Living.
November 17: "Engineers Without Borders"
November 24" "Choices" presentation
Bell Ringers: There are several unfulfilled time slots for the December 3 Salvation Army Bell Ringing assignment. All are welcome to help out the Army.
Committee Reports:
Education/Choices/scholarships: Training for the next Choices program at Lake Linden High School on December November 11, 12 will be help Monday Evening (November 8) at p.m. in
Spaghetti Dinner: No report
Visioning Program: Chairman Dick Schaefer reminds everyone that the program will be held at the Irish Times on February 15, 2011, from 5-9 p.m. This important work session will deal with our future as a viable Rotary Club. Accordingly, everyone is encouraged to attend. Happily, Dick reported that almost everyone is signed up at present. There will be no luncheon meeting on February 16.
Italian Hall Luminaries: Prior to placing the candles, Jeff will look into purchasing a candle (or other source) that will burn longer and resist the weather better.
Foundation 5 X 5 Club. Amy reported that she is considering awarding the 5x5 fellowships at the visioning program in February. She also mentioned that there is still a space available on one of the clubs.
Provisional Membership: The board requested that the club review our Provisional Membership policy. Much discussion followed with the sense of the meeting seeming to favor eliminating the provision. A motion to discontinue provisional membership with the proviso that the two members taking advantage of it, namely Jim Lowrie and Babette Tikkanen, be grandfathered and allowed to remain as provisional members. The motion was discussed thoroughly and passed with a split decision.
Raffle: Won by Patsy. Unfortunately. Patsy had left by the time we got around to the drawing so Dan accepted the money on her behalf and gave it to Tom T. to give to Patsy.
In closing, Jim reminded everyone that the Board Meetings are at the Range Bank Conference Room at 4 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. Next one is on November 16.
(Lisa Ronan of the Irish Times and CLK Rotarian Janice Vivian share a moment after the meeting. They have been close friends for many years. Janice will host our next meeting at the Garden View and Lisa will cater it.)
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