Thursday, May 31, 2007

Regular Meeting, May 30, 2007

( Here are two pictures sent to us by Tom & Babette of the Memorial Day celebration at Fort Wilkins State Park. One features the Copper Harbor school children (all five of them) and their teacher, Diane Trudgeon, in a patriotic song. The other is a veteran playing taps. Thanks for the pictures and if anyone wants to share some photos with the club, just e-mail them to me at

Regular Meeting, May 30, 2007:

(A picture of our guest speaker, Daryl Pierce, Superintendant of Calumet Public Schools, who spoke to members at the May 30th meeting.)

President's Opening Remarks:

President Dan reported that the Board of Directors at their monthly meeting voted to recommend that the CLK Rotary Club hold its regular Wednesday meetings at the Irish Times Pub and Restaurant in Laurium. After a short discussion, the members present voted to accept the board's recommendation. Heretofore, all regular meetings through June 30, 2008, will be held at 12:10 p.m. at the Irish Times. Dan later attended a meeting with the House Committee of the Miscowaubik Club and explained the reasons for our decision and that in May, 2008, we will again discuss the venue for the 2008-09 year.

Attendance: 18 members, 2 guests: Daryl Pierce and Bob Sharkey, President of the Houghton Rotary Club who recently returned from Paris, France, having won the district-wide Rotary raffle.

Program: Daryl gave an interesting and informative talk about the various academic things mandated by the state. For one example, it is mandated that children in the third grade study a foreign language. (ED: when I was in school, a foreign language skill wasn't required of me until I was studying for a PhD; my how things have changed.)

What with "exit tests" for each class, for 1,090 hours of yearly classtime, for graduation tests, it is estimated that about 90% of the school system is under state mandate. And the state has the money to enforce thr mandates.

Daryl's talk drew numerous questions and a hearty discussion followed. At the conclusion, Andy presented him with our coveted speaker's gift, a Rotary Mug.

Next Week, June 6: Business Meeting

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.

See you next week at the Irish Times

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Regular Meeting, May 23, 2007

(Pictured at right, the luncheon setup at the Irish Times. and Andy presenting Richard Baker with our new speaker gift, a handsome mug in Rotary blue.)

As is our annual practice, we are trying out new venues for next year’s meetings. This meeting and next week’s will be held at the Irish Times Pub & Restaurant in Laurium.

Attendance: 21 - Better, and "Welcome Home Tom."

The Meeting: After some preliminary comments about the Irish Times as a meeting place, Dan Dalquist introduced the program, Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Richard Baker, who gave an update on Chamber activities. Richard said that one of his most common questions is, “What does the Chamber do?” to which he responds, “whatever is necessary” from answering a myriad of telephone and e-mail querys to preparing "Relocation Packages." He said that the KPCC website has received 1.9 million hits so far. In addition he and his staff try to meet the needs of the 520 members.

It was an excellent presentation to which CLK members responded enthusiastically.

At the conclusion, Andy presented Richard with our new speaker gift, a handsome coffee mug.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, May 29, the Board Meeting at 4:30 p.m. in Dan’s office

June 1-3: District 6220 Conference in Minoqua, Wisconsin. The registration packet can be found at

Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.

May 30 Program Chair:
Heather Store

A note about blogs: As time passes, previous blogs are kept in storage in case you want to look back. Simply click on the appropriate date or month to the left of the blog and you can see every post from the beginning. For those who have been away, this is an excellent way to catch up on all the club activities and accomplishments while you were gone.

Remember, next week, May 30, we meet at the Irish Times

Monday, May 21, 2007


President Dan Dalquist today announced that the CLK Rotary will meet at the Irish Times restaurant on Hecla Street in Laurium this Wednesday, May 23, at the usual time of 12:10 p.m.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Regular Meeting of May 9, 2007

The highway cleanup crew comprised of Andy, Sue, Babette, Phil, Jim lowell (taking the picture), and Tom Liljigren (who had not yet arrived when the picture was taken).

On May 12, with weather cooperating more or less, the hardy highway cleanup crew assembled and completed the trash pickup of the CLK Rotary 2-mile stretch on US-41 just north of Pine Street.

Your editor drove past the 2-mile stretch on Sunday and counted over 12 bags of trash waiting to be picked up by the road commission. Note for the future: "Many hands make light work." A few more Rotarians could be of use. Thanks to Andy for organizing this event.

Meeting Attendance: 16 members showed up for the meeting, which is about 50%. We can do much better.

Program: Eva was the program chair and gave a talk about PETS (Presidents Elect Training Seminar) which she attended recently. She pointed out that Rotary International is the largest non-governmental entity serving mankind in the world, which is reason enough for we Rotarians to be proud. The main thing she took away from PETS was to "find your passion and run with it." Accordingly, she pointed out that she would like to emphasize "Youth and Rotary" during her tenure hoping as a result to excite them about Rotary for the future. In this regard, she would like to have as her main goal that "kids in the area know who we are and what we stand for," adding that a mentoring program of some sort might be a way to begin.

In addition, she pointed out that her immediate and on-going concern is to get more members both to grow and to replace those that for one reason or another leave the club. It is hoped that each of us will bring prospective members to lunch and thereby introduce them to Rotary. She asked us to join her in establishing a minimum goal of a net 3 new members for the 2007-08 year.

A group discussion followed her presentation during which participation in the Horizons program was raised.

Program Chairman for May 23: Kevin Store

Up coming Events:

June 1-3: Distrct 6220 Conference in Minaqua. Check our for more information.

June 30: PastyFest concessions management by the CLK Rotary.

See you Wednesday.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Regular Meeting: May 9, 2007

Pastor Peter, our club Chaplain, was dressed to preach.

Attendance: 18 (We can do better)

Meeting: It was a quiet meeting for the most part. Andy was still looking for workers for the Highway Cleanup this Saturday, May 12. It looks like it will be a pleasant day so let’s get as many as possible, As my dad always said, “many hands make light work

Program: Lacking a formal program, Capt. Don was called upon to offer a tale or two which he did.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, May 12: Highway cleanup. Meet at Hwy 203 and Pine Street at 9 a.m.

Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.

June 1-3: District 6220 Conference in Minoqua, Wisconsin. The registration packet can be found at

Program Chair May 16: Eva Szilagyi

More Pictures from NARC

1. Some of the CLK Rowers at the banquet.

2. Chuck not only sponsored the challenge through the Keewenaw Memorial Fitness Center, but was one of the rowers as well. We havn't heard the number of meters Chuck registered.

3. Babette reaches one million meters. She got an apple and a big kiss from Tom. (I have a picture of the kiss and apple but it disappeared from the screem. One of those glitches I haven't learned how to fix...yet.)

The club is very proud of its Row-tary Rowers.

(but remember, you're only as good as your last show. See you next year)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

CLK Rowers Win the "Oar"

CLK Rowers Take the Oar

As noted in the Blog entitled "Breaking News," here is the CLK Rowing contingent that rowed an amazing 2,058,805 meters in the Concept 2 North American Rowing Challenge, topping every other group in the Keweenaw Memorial Fitness Center Team. The KMFC Team featured 371 individual rowers of which 14 placed in the top 50 rowers of the total competition.

CLK's own Babette Jokela Tikkanen was tops in the KMFC team and placed 3rd in the entire North American competition.

At the banquet at the Irish Times, the CLK Row-tary group accept the "Oar" as the top group in the KMFC team. L to R: Tom Tikkanen, Sue Dana, Babette Tikkanen, Chuck Nelson, and CLK President Dan Dalquist.

NOTE: The enlarge any picture in the blog, simply double click on the picture.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Business Meeting, May 2, 2007

Jim Lowell sent this picture of the highway clean up crew. It was taken just before Andy postponed the job until May 12 (see below). The non-Rotarian, third from left, is Cory Jokela, Babette's son.

Attendance: 24 Rotarians (80%) and 1 guest, Mrs. Joy Liljigren. That's a nice turnout.

May Birthdays: Frank, Jay, and Eva. A lusty song was offered for a little up front cash.


Last Saturday's highway cleanup was postponed due to rain. Naturally, soon after cancelling, the weather cleared and the sun came out. As soon as I get the picture of Andy's crew that showed up to work, I will publish it. Make-up day is Saturday, May 12. It should be noted that Babette's son Cory also attended the work session.

President Dan urged all of us to look for for new members, especially in the numerous business fields where we are lacking. For example, we should be trying to get a member from the CLK Schools, Calumet Electronics, Calumet Mercantile, the groceries, etc. New members are our life's blood. Do it before we need a blood transfusion.

Since we are out of speaker gifts, after considerable discussion, we voted to change our gifts from pens to mugs.

Those that are interested should sign up soon for the District 6220 Conference which will take place in Minoqua, Wisconsin, from June 1-3. The registration packet can be found at Believe me, it is an interesting conference in a very nice place.

The raffle produced no winner so proceeds will accrue to June's business meeting.

Upcoming Events:
Saturday, May 12: Highway cleanup. Meet at Hwy 203 and Pine Street at 9 a.m.
Saturday, June 30: Man the concessions booth at PastyFest 2007.

Next week, May 9, program chair: Babette Tikkanen

Finally, Pictures greatly enhance this Blog. Send them to me in jpeg at Thanks.

(Has anyone heard from Tom S? Is he lost on a highway somewhere?)