Thursday, September 30, 2010

Regular Meeting, September 29, 2010

(Guest speaker, John Griffith, of the Northwoods Conservancy)

Attendance = 23, including guests Dave & Linda Grahek and John Griffith of the Northwood’s Conservancy

Welcome: Mike Steber – Middle School Principal CLK Schools

Announcements: CLK Rotary Highway Cleanup Saturday Oct 02 at 0900. Meet at the corner of Pine St and US 41 on the north side of Calumet.

Amy Roberts is ready to submit the Rotary Shirt order - $26 per shirt. Last Call to order a shirt! Contact Amy at SNB in Calumet, 337-5983.

Program: John Griffith introduced the Northwoods Conservancy and its role in preserving land and lakeshore in the Keweenaw. The NWC has protected over 2 miles of Lake Superior shoreline and several thousand acres of woodland and marsh. The land generally is multiuse and available for recreation and some for hunting.

Conglomerate Falls is the current project. This waterfall and surrounding land are accessed from S Farmers Block Road off the 5 mile point road. The seller is asking for $115,000. NWC needs to raise $30,000 as the down payment with the balance being financed. The deadline for the deal is Oct 01, 2010. If you have passed the deadline, contribute anyway and they will see that it is made part of the grant. For donation purposes, the NWC is a 501-C-3 corporatrion.

The Conglomerate Falls parcel includes a 15-year-old, 1-room cabin that will be available for rent. Estimated cost will be $500 per week. During hunting season, cabin renters will be able to hunt on the property.

Additionally, the cabin needs several things including installation of a composting toilet, general maintenance of the cabin, and construction of benches. Morover, NWC needs trail work as well. Is this a type of project CLK Rotary wants to adopt? Feedback should be directed to our Board members and officers.

Several questions were directed to John Griffith. John ended his presentation asking for members to consider donating to the Conglomerate Falls campaign. AT that point, Rotarian Sue Dana started the ball rolling with a donation followed by a number of Rotary members. Good gesture of support team!

(At meeting's end, Jim and John shake over a good deal apparently)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

(The CLK Rotary club was honored to host District Governor Steve Selvick.)

Attendance = 25 including guests Steve Selvick our District Governor (District 6220), Dave & Linda Grahek, Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey, and Marie Buche, President Houghton Rotary.

Announcements: Highway Pickup will be Saturday October 02. Meet at corner of Pine St and US 41 on the north side of Calumet at 0900. Phil passed around a signup sheet. This project needs lots of hands so please check your schedule and help.

A multitude of fines and Happy Dollars were collected. Thanks to all who participated.

Program: District Governor Steve Selvick talked about Rotary International motto of ”Buildling Communities and Bridging Continents”. His view was children are the key! Steve reported Rotary has had a focus on children since the start and youth are now our 5th Ave of Service.

Steve talked about the Family of Rotary and Rotarians need to balance family + work + Community + the world + Rotary. Our focus upon Service Above Self as the Rotary motto helps separate Rotary from other civic clubs. We have an amazing variety of local, regional, national, and international on-going projects to support.

Steve, supports emphatically the local clubs of his District 6220 and will help them attain the goals that they themselves set. This is a bottom up district administration that focuses on the individual clubs and their goals. All we have to do is ask for help when we need it. As a club, we need to complete the Visioning program. Keep what is working for and discard what is not and then replace discarded ones with new projects.
Steve reviewed in detail a variety of District 6220 programs including the ETTA project, Power Flour, and SAMP (Surplus medical supplies).

At the conclusion of his talk, Steve awarded a well-deserved Rotary Mug to Past President Jim Lowell for his past and continuing work on all the projects of the CLK Rotary Club. We can think of no one more deserving.

A very good meeting with a great program!

(District Governor Steve Selvick with Jim Lowell, Tim Baroni, and Bob Sharkey.)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Regular Meetings of 9/8 and 9/15

(President Tim poses with Janice Vivian, our new member.)

Meeting of September 8:

Attendance = 23 including guests Dave & Linda Grahek

A warm welcome to new member, Janice Vivian; Janice is the manager of Garden View Assisted Living and Memory Care, of Calumet.

After enjoying the meal, club members paid their Happy Dollars for various announcements and events.

Amy Roberts reminded the members she is collecting Rotary Polo Shirt orders. Estimated price is $28

Jim Lowell asked the membership for a laptop to be donated to the club. The computer is needed by the club's treasurer to track and report our finances.

CHOICES presenters are needed for this fall. If any CLK Club members are interested – please contact Jim Lowell. More presenters make the task much easier.

Program: Dan Dalquist gave a presentation on Investing and our Economy. Basic message was that our economy has the ability to heal itself. Dan said that, "One, we have been in bad economic situations before and two, we are definitely seeing signs of recovery." Thanks for the upbeat and interesting program, Dan.

Meeting of September 14:

Attendance: 22 including guests Dave & Linda Grahek and Assistant District Governor, Bob Sharkey.

Inasmuch as President Tim was not available, Vice President Kathy Johnson presided. Good Job, Kathy!

George Twardzik attended the meeting representing Public Schools of CLK. Welcome George.

Several Happy Dollars & Announcements: A Reminder to all CLK Rotarians that our District Governor, Steve Selvick, will be addressing our next meeting, September 22. We need a full house!

ADG Bob Sharkey reported on his experiences at the RYLA program. He mentioned being in a group with a member of the CLK ROTC contingent and how impressed he was of her abilities.

A reminder of the District Meeting Planning Committee which will hold it’s first meeting on Thursday 9/16 at 5:30 at the KBC. Additional participation from CLK will be appreciated.

Scott See announced that in a voting contest for specific funding. the Keweenaw National Historic Park was the No. 1 park in Michigan.

VP Kathy read a Thank You note from a senior citizen group. They appreciated the Tamburitzan tickets and the CLK Rotary support of the performance.

Reminder: Amy Roberts will be sending in the shirt order! Contact her now if you want one.

Program: A video of the ETTA project in Bolivia. A moving story told by Sara Houghton of Marquette. This project focuses on providing proper food (using the Power Flour program) to help the children become healthy. In addition, education and coaching skills for moms in such areas as job skills and providing micro-financing to help the moms get a business started as well as teaching skills to grow food.

As each center is developed, the local people are trained to maintain and continue the work. At that point, the ETTA project starts another center in a poverty-ridden section of the town. Partners in the project include Rotary District 6220 (our district) and Engineers Without Borders

District 6220 has a goal to provide $50,000 to the ETTA projects. Each Club in the District is encouraged to look at the ETTA project and make a decision about monetary support.

ADG Bob Sharkey fielded a variety of questions from the group.

(At the conclusion of the meeting, I took a picture of Phil as he gathered up the buttons and papers and bell to be put away until next week. Thanks, Phil, for taking care of business for the past many years.)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Business Meerting, September 1, 2010

Attending = 25 including guests Dave & Linda Grahek and Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey.

(Left: a single Birthday in September, the Reverend, Mr. Peter Vorhes, on September 28. A lusty chorus of H.B. was sung and Peter coughed up the dollar.)

Attendance for August = 65%. Thanks to all! Perfect attendance for August: Dan, Joe, Sandy, Capt Don, Jim Lowell, Andy, Rich and Tom T.

A variety of Announcements made & Happy Dollars collected.

President Tim asked the Club for ideas regarding a Signature Project, something to which the CLK Rotary can attach its name. The idea is to start planning now. Suggestions should be sent to Tim or to any board member.

Tim asked for all members to consider a local dues increase, perhaps to $5.00 per quarter. Dues for District and National are $104 per year. This generated a discussion about tax deductibility of meals for CLK Rotarians. This is an issue that each Rotarian needs to discuss with her or his tax preparer.

(Left: Sgt. at Arms Philip with Sandy and Jim after the meeting.)

Financial Report: Treasurer Sandy announced the Club has $4,221.51 in Savings and $5,156.29 in Checking as of 8/31/10.

The 2010-2011 budget was distributed to the members attending. After discussion, the budget was passed.

Andy requested the Board consider contributing money to the Northwoods Conservancy to help with the purchase of land at the mouth of the Gratiot River. Andy also suggested that individual Rotarians and/or their businesses consider donating toward the purchase. Donations can be sent to: Northwoods, PO Box 124, Calumet, Michigan 49913. Information on the purchase can be found at

Here's an early reminder that our September 22 meeting will feature our District Governor, Steve Selvick. This is a meeting we need to have all of our members in attendance.

Finally, be reminded that our board meetings occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4p.m. Meetings are held at the Range Bank conference room and all members are invited to

(Amy, Chairperson of the 5x5 clubs talking with Andy after the meeting.)