Procedures for CLK Rotary Sales of Tamburitzans TicketsThe Tamburitzans will be at the Calumet Theatre on August 18, 2007
All seats will be reserved, with a ticket price was $14 for all seats. In the past, CLK Rotary members are responsible for selling tickets to the event, backed up by the Calumet Theatre box office. Heavy emphasis is put on contacting area businesses and enlisting them as sponsors. Any area business purchasing tickets will be listed as a sponsor in the program book insert at the event.
Following are procedures for ticket sales by CLK Rotary members:
General1. Event tickets will be on sale at the Calumet Theatre box office. Only that venue will be able to assign seats and issue tickets.
2. Rotary members will take orders from patrons, fill out an order form, collect a check and return order forms and checks to the Calumet Theatre.
3. The Calumet Theatre will receive checks and issue tickets per instructions on the order form.
4. Rotary members will keep a copy of the order form, which will be turned in to team captains for use in determining the winners of fabulous prizes each week.
Club Ticket Sales1. Ticket orders will be taken on the order form which will be e-mailed to you. You can open the document and print it out. Additionally, it is posted here and can be copied and printed.
2. Order receipts must be turned in to club treasurer to receive credit for sale.
3. Check or credit card information must accompany order form to receive credit for sale.
4. Make sure that all order information is provided and put your name at the bottom.
5. Checks must be made out to Calumet Theatre.
6. Credit Card sales are allowed if applicable credit card information is provided on the order form.
Group Sales1. Purchases of 10 or more tickets will be discounted $2 (i.e., $12 per ticket).
2. Purchases of 30 or more tickets will be discounted $4 (i.e., $10 per ticket).
Sponsors1. Businesses purchasing tickets will be listed in the program insert as show Sponsors.
2. Sponsors may opt to donate tickets to CLK Rotary for distribution to needy organizations (e.g., Little Brothers, Still Waters).
3. CLK Rotary members will be assigned businesses to contact to encourage purchase of Sponsor tickets.
4. Sponsor ticket orders MUST indicate that the sale is to a sponsoring business by checking the Sponsor box on the order form.
5. Sponsor ticket order forms MUST show the business name as it should be listed on the program insert.
Tammies Ticket Order FormThe Tamburitzans
August 18, 2007, 7 p.m.
Calumet Theatre – (906) 337-2610
Name: __________________________________________ Phone:_________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City:_______________________________ State:________ Zip: __________
TICKETS ARE $14 with Reserved Seating assigned by the Theatre
Group Rates: 10 or more tickets: $12
30 or more tickets: $10
Please indicate seating preference:
MAINFLOOR-LEFT ____ _____ ______
MAINFLOOR-CENTER ____ _____ ______
MAINFLOOR-RIGHT ____ _____ ______
BALCONY-LEFT ____ _____ ______
BALCONY-CENTER ____ _____ ______
BALCONY-RIGHT ____ _____ ______
Special Requests:______________________________________________________
Payment Method: __ Cash __ Check__ Visa__ Mastercard __Discover
Card Number: ______________________________ Expiration Date______________
Make checks payable to “Calumet Theatre”.
Rotary Member: __________________________