(Outgoing Assistant Governor Ron Helman listening intently to Ms. Maki's presentation.)
Attendance: 17 Members present, 6 guests. The guests in addition to Jenifer Maki were Kathy Johnson, Assistant Governor Ron Helman, Houghton Rotary President and incoming Assistant Governor, Bob Sharkey, Kathy Johnson, and Dave and Linda Grahek.
Upcoming Event: A sign-up sheet was passed around to garner names of workers for PastyFest on Saturday, June 30. It appears that we will have adequate staffing for the refreshment booth including setting it up and cleaning afterward. See you Saturday!
On June 30, after a successful (and probably a little stressful) 3-year term, Assistant Governor Ron Helman of the Houghton Rotary will retire. He will be replaced by Assistant Governor Elect Bob Sharkey, who is presently the president of Houghton Rotary. Speaking for all our members, it has been a pleasure working with Ron. He is and always will be a dedicated Rotarian .
(Two departing Rotary officers: Dan and Ron.)
Finally, we come to the end of another fiscal year and the traditional changing of the guard at CLK Rotary. Dan will be succeeded by President-elect Eva. Dan has served the club well. His calm fortitude through the difficult decision to change meeting venues was greatly appreciated. Fortunately, he will remain on the Board of Directors for at least another year and as Past-president will be available to assist President-elect Eva.
Other officers for the 2007-08 year are: Kevin, Vice President, Ethan, Secretary, and Patsy, Treasurer for Life.
From your editor: I have absolutely no idea why the type size changes throughout this blog. I've tried everything I know to stop it but to no avail. So, get out your magnifying glass for this week.
From your editor: Hard work and being able to read a bit of html helped to fix it.
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