Thursday, August 30, 2007
Regular Meeting, August 29, 2007
First, my apologies to all for getting this out so late. Betty and I spent a couple of days on Isle Royale sans computer. Ouch!
(On left is a photo of our good friend, Ernie Neiderer who came with his son, Bob.)
(Sitting next to Ernie was Charlie. Great to see both of you.)
Unfortunately, I mislaid my note pad so I am flying blind here. For the benefit of those that did not attend, for what it is worth, here is my recollection of the meeting. For those of you with a better memory (or hearing), please add a comment at the end of this blog.
Eva reminded the 22 members present (good turnout!) to bring their stuffed animals or toys to the meeting next week. These toys are destined for Iraq where our troops will distribute them to the Iraqui children. Do not bring any battery-driven toys. Eva went on to say that at the business meeting next Wednesday we should get the final accounting of the Tamburitzans.
Guests were introduced: Ernie and his son, Bob; Assistant District Governor from the Houghton club, Bob Sharkey; and from Copper Harbor, Don Kauppi of the Mariner North and Bob Davis of the Minnetonka Resort. If I've left anyone out, sorry.
Our program chair was Kevin Store. Kevin explained how the various people he contacted to present a program could not make it and for each one mentioned, he donated a dollar to our treasury in their name. This amounted to a pretty fair take of five or six dollars and a wonderful presentation as well. Thank you Kevin. Andy presented Kevin with the treasured CLK Rotary mug.
Next week is the monthly business meeting. See you then.
(Kevin dishing out the dollars)
Friday, August 17, 2007
(Today we start on a special series featuring a short biographical sketch of each member of the CLK Rotary. We will do these weekly in the order that they joined the club. Our first is Joe Enrietti, a 34-year club member.)
Joe Enrietti was born in Mohawk on June 9, 1925. During his senior year at Calumet High School, he enlisted in the Army Air Force (today called the United States Air Force) as a cadet. After graduation in January, 1944, he joined the AAF and became a tail gunner on a B24 Heavy Bomber with the 8th AAF which was stationed in England. After the war ended in Europe, he left for the U.S.A. on his birthday in 1945 and was given 30 days rest & recuperation before training on B-29 bombers which had a much longer range than the B-24s. He was slated to join the allied forces in the Pacific but before he left, the war ended and soon he was discharged.
Joe married Lenore Hagman who, after 42 years of married bliss, passed away 17 yrs. Ago. Born in Gay, she and her 3 sisters were known as the “Gay girls.” To Joe, Lenore was irreplaceable, so he never remarried. They had one daughter, Pat, MGH Ed. Dept., who with her husband John Limack raised Joe’s three grandchildren. He also has 2 Great grandchildren.
Joe’s worked for 20 years with C&H in their Security Department along with Jack Foster, Clarence Dwyer, and 25 others. It was in reality the UP’s largest police force and covered Keweenaw, Calumet and Lake Linden 24/7. They were even trained by the FBI occasionally. After C&H closed, Joe became a salesman for W. Gately’s Furniture but a huge fire took them out after 3 years so Joe, after spurning offers from the Vertins to join them, worked for Wylie Loan Company managing their furniture store in Calumet. He stayed with them for about 20 years and ended up purchasing the store and operating it successfully.
At the ripe age of 70, Joe felt it was the right time to sell and he did. Not satisfied being idle, however, he joined the Erickson Crowley Funeral Home with their new owner, Joel Keranen. He remains there to this day assisting when needed.
Last year, Joe purchased the Catholic Priest’s home in Mohawk and has been adapting it for himself. As Joe says, “Full circle back to Mohawk at 82 going for 83,” adding that “I was damn near done for last month when a bout of Endocardis put me in the Portage Hospital for five days of extensive therapy with antibiotics.” Joe concluded with the thought, “Boy have those 82 years (and 34 years with Rotary) flown by.” Joe joined CLK Rotary on April 1, 1973 and was made a Paul Harris Fellow in 2006.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Regular Meeting, August 15, 2007
Once again, a reminder to anyone receiving this blog via e-mail. It looks much better on the net so why not check out
and see for yourself.
Attendance: 21 Members, 6 Guests. Our guests were perennials Linda and Dave Grahek. It was Dave's birthday and a lusty song was our tribute. In addition, Linda announced that Dave (pictured at left) was honored with a Paul Harris Fellowship by his Rotary club in Breckenridge, Michigan. Other guests were William Brush, Eva's daughter, Lillia, Chlole Sheler, (both pictured below) and Assistant District Governor from the Houghton club, Bob Sharkey. Bob again asked if anyone knew of a Honduran Rotary Club that might serve as a conduit (no pun intended) for the water project that our 4-club region is supporting.
Lucy brought everyone up to date on housing the Tamburitzans. All is well.
There were too many happy dollars to mention in detail but it should be noted that Sue's husband, Richard, won 7 medals at the Senior Olympics. In addition to the happy dollars, both Frank and Ed were fined for their recent publicity in the New York Times and your editor received a whopping one for casually mentioning (for informational and historical reasons alone) that he and Don Fortune were responsible for the Coppertown Museum.
Andy had a flyer that he never got to talk about, a simple but effective way to treat water in developing nations. For a mere $75, a Rotarian can support the filtered water system of one family for LIFE. That is a bargain. Both Andy and I think this is a supportable and feasible project for our club. More on this in upcoming meetings.
Eva called attention to her famous Pannukakku Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. on Saturday in Agassiz Park. You won't want to miss this great event featuring the Finnish pancakes.
Jim Lowell announced he has 3 club members who have volunteered to usher at the Tamburitzans.
Dan asked for more members to help monitor traffic for a portion of the day at the Great Deer Chase Bicycle Race this Saturday. See Dan immediately if you can help for a short while.
It should be noted and emphasized that the Tamburitzans have been performing in Calumet for about 70 years, a magnificent record. And think of all the organizations and people who have benefoited from the procveeds of these concerts.. It makes one proud to be a Rotarian.
Tom Tikkanen gave a rousing plug for the Main Street Calumet 2007 Heritage Celebration featuring the French and Irish. It starts Friday, August 17 and ends on Sunday, August 19.
Upcoming Events:
Augusyt 17-19: August 18: 8-11 a.m. Eva's Pannukakku Breakfast at Agassiz Park.
August 18: The Great Deer Chase Mountain Bike Race, Swedetown Hill. If all else fails, call Dan for details
August 18: 7 p.m. The Duquesne University TAMBURITZANS at the Calumet Theatre and sponsored by our club.
August 15: District Governor's Annual Dinner in Houghton.
August 22 Program Chair: Dan Dalquist
Finally, your editor announced that starting next week, the blog will start featuring a club member's biographical sketch in each blog. Long-time member, Joe Enrietti, will be our first feature. Stay tuned; it will be nice to know your fellow Rotarians even better that you already do.
and see for yourself.
Attendance: 21 Members, 6 Guests. Our guests were perennials Linda and Dave Grahek. It was Dave's birthday and a lusty song was our tribute. In addition, Linda announced that Dave (pictured at left) was honored with a Paul Harris Fellowship by his Rotary club in Breckenridge, Michigan. Other guests were William Brush, Eva's daughter, Lillia, Chlole Sheler, (both pictured below) and Assistant District Governor from the Houghton club, Bob Sharkey. Bob again asked if anyone knew of a Honduran Rotary Club that might serve as a conduit (no pun intended) for the water project that our 4-club region is supporting.
Lucy brought everyone up to date on housing the Tamburitzans. All is well.
There were too many happy dollars to mention in detail but it should be noted that Sue's husband, Richard, won 7 medals at the Senior Olympics. In addition to the happy dollars, both Frank and Ed were fined for their recent publicity in the New York Times and your editor received a whopping one for casually mentioning (for informational and historical reasons alone) that he and Don Fortune were responsible for the Coppertown Museum.
Andy had a flyer that he never got to talk about, a simple but effective way to treat water in developing nations. For a mere $75, a Rotarian can support the filtered water system of one family for LIFE. That is a bargain. Both Andy and I think this is a supportable and feasible project for our club. More on this in upcoming meetings.
Eva called attention to her famous Pannukakku Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. on Saturday in Agassiz Park. You won't want to miss this great event featuring the Finnish pancakes.
Jim Lowell announced he has 3 club members who have volunteered to usher at the Tamburitzans.
Dan asked for more members to help monitor traffic for a portion of the day at the Great Deer Chase Bicycle Race this Saturday. See Dan immediately if you can help for a short while.
It should be noted and emphasized that the Tamburitzans have been performing in Calumet for about 70 years, a magnificent record. And think of all the organizations and people who have benefoited from the procveeds of these concerts.. It makes one proud to be a Rotarian.
Tom Tikkanen gave a rousing plug for the Main Street Calumet 2007 Heritage Celebration featuring the French and Irish. It starts Friday, August 17 and ends on Sunday, August 19.
Upcoming Events:
Augusyt 17-19: August 18: 8-11 a.m. Eva's Pannukakku Breakfast at Agassiz Park.
August 18: The Great Deer Chase Mountain Bike Race, Swedetown Hill. If all else fails, call Dan for details
August 18: 7 p.m. The Duquesne University TAMBURITZANS at the Calumet Theatre and sponsored by our club.
August 15: District Governor's Annual Dinner in Houghton.
August 22 Program Chair: Dan Dalquist
Finally, your editor announced that starting next week, the blog will start featuring a club member's biographical sketch in each blog. Long-time member, Joe Enrietti, will be our first feature. Stay tuned; it will be nice to know your fellow Rotarians even better that you already do.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Regular Meeting of August 8, 2007
Note: For those receiving this blog via email, here is the URL to view the Blog on line:
Attendance: There were 21 members and 2 guests in attendance. The guests were Tracy Soma, a visiting Rotarian from Grand Ledge, Michigan, and Paul Lehto, Supervisor of Calumet Township and our speaker for the day.
We were privileged to induct two new members into our club, Kathy Johnson and Josh Luokus. A later blog will present a short vita of each.
( Kathy and Josh , our newest CLK Rotarians. It is our pleasure to have you join us in serving this great community.)
For your records:
Intermittently throughout the meeting, members were reminded of the Tamburitzans and the necessity of getting out and selling tickets and sponsorships. All it takes is a few calls. Moreover, if anyone wants to help usher, you must call Jim Lowell ASAP. In addition, Lucy reported that all the housing needs have been satisfied.
Guest Speaker: Calumet Township Supervisor Paul Lehto, as is his practice, gave members an update of the significant events in the township. The Centennial 6 project is probably the biggest. Paul gave a history of the site from the early 70s when it was de-watered right through today as they prepare to develop the property.
Next, the storm sewer project ranks high on the list. Estimated at $700,000, the project will be going to bid soon.
The MNR Trust Fund grant to purchase 240 acres at the Swedetown Recreation Complex, because of delays due to a dispute with a neighboring property owner, granted an extension to get time to resolve the difficulties holding up the purchase.
In addition, looking for a new quarters for the Calumet State Police post, working with the Michigan DEQ regarding the lead found in the Torch lake sands, and other problems keeps Paul and his staff mighty busy.
(Andy presents guest Paul Lehto with our treasured mug.)
Upcoming Events:
August 18: The Tammies
August 18: Great Deer Chase Bicycle Race
October 15: District Governor's Dinner
Next Week's Program Chair: Babette Tikkanen
First, the club wants to extend its congratulations to the Copperman Triathelon team #209 of Tom, Ed and Dan for placing 7th in the team competition with a time under 2 hours, significantly faster than last year. Unfortunately, the Houghton and Hancock Rotary clubs did not compete this year. In addition, congratulations to Houghton Rotarian, Terry Smythe, for running a wonderful event and to CLK Rotarian, Chuck Nelson, for having the Keweenaw Memorial Medical Center be the main sponsor.Attendance: There were 21 members and 2 guests in attendance. The guests were Tracy Soma, a visiting Rotarian from Grand Ledge, Michigan, and Paul Lehto, Supervisor of Calumet Township and our speaker for the day.
We were privileged to induct two new members into our club, Kathy Johnson and Josh Luokus. A later blog will present a short vita of each.
( Kathy and Josh , our newest CLK Rotarians. It is our pleasure to have you join us in serving this great community.)
For your records:
Intermittently throughout the meeting, members were reminded of the Tamburitzans and the necessity of getting out and selling tickets and sponsorships. All it takes is a few calls. Moreover, if anyone wants to help usher, you must call Jim Lowell ASAP. In addition, Lucy reported that all the housing needs have been satisfied.
Guest Speaker: Calumet Township Supervisor Paul Lehto, as is his practice, gave members an update of the significant events in the township. The Centennial 6 project is probably the biggest. Paul gave a history of the site from the early 70s when it was de-watered right through today as they prepare to develop the property.
Next, the storm sewer project ranks high on the list. Estimated at $700,000, the project will be going to bid soon.
The MNR Trust Fund grant to purchase 240 acres at the Swedetown Recreation Complex, because of delays due to a dispute with a neighboring property owner, granted an extension to get time to resolve the difficulties holding up the purchase.
In addition, looking for a new quarters for the Calumet State Police post, working with the Michigan DEQ regarding the lead found in the Torch lake sands, and other problems keeps Paul and his staff mighty busy.
(Andy presents guest Paul Lehto with our treasured mug.)
Upcoming Events:
August 18: The Tammies
August 18: Great Deer Chase Bicycle Race
October 15: District Governor's Dinner
Next Week's Program Chair: Babette Tikkanen
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Business Meeting, August 1, 2007
Attendance: 22 members, 1 Guest.
Our Guest was Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey of the Houghton Rotary Club. Bob was there to ask us to participate in the "Engineers Without Borders" district grant and to ask if our members had any connection with or knowledge of a Rotary club in the Honduras. If anyone does, please contact Bob at
After the Treasurer's report was read, members honored the birthdays of Chuck, Dan, and George with a lusty song (for which the birthday boys paid some bucks).
President Eva gave the sad news that Jay resigned from the club. The press of business was too much at this time. The Board accepted his resignation with regret and hope that he will return when his business situation abates.
On a happier note, two new members will be inducted at our August 8 meeting.
Eva read a request for small stuffed animals such as Beanie Babies. If you have anything such as this, please bring them to the meeting.
Dan delivered an urgent plea for people for traffic control in Calumet at the Great Deer Chase bicycle race on August 18. It was suggested that the CLK Rotary agree to take a particular intersection or two and man them at the beginning and end of the race. More details will be forthcoming next week. If you can help, call Mark Norton at Copper Island printing, 337-1300.
Tammies: The ticket sales are dribbling in. It is time, dear folk, to get on the ball and make an impact with both ticket sales and sponsors.
Upcoming Events:
August 4: Copperman Triathelon. We are still looking for traffic monitors. If you can help, contact Terry Smythe immediately at 482-8201.
August 18: The Tamburitzans at the CalumetTheatre.
August 18: Great Deer Chase Bicycle race
October 15: The District Governors Dinner at the Spica restaurant in Houghton.
Upcoming Program Chairs:
August 8: Dan Dalquist
August 15: Babette Tikkanen
President Eva won the monthly drawing.
Note: That was a wonderful feature in the Daily Mining Gazette about the new Conglomerate Cafe opened by Tom and Babette. One dollar, please.
(After the meeting was over, Jim Lowrie whipped out his cell phone and started working again. Great to see you back from Utah, Jim, and hope you can stay a while.)
Our Guest was Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey of the Houghton Rotary Club. Bob was there to ask us to participate in the "Engineers Without Borders" district grant and to ask if our members had any connection with or knowledge of a Rotary club in the Honduras. If anyone does, please contact Bob at
After the Treasurer's report was read, members honored the birthdays of Chuck, Dan, and George with a lusty song (for which the birthday boys paid some bucks).
President Eva gave the sad news that Jay resigned from the club. The press of business was too much at this time. The Board accepted his resignation with regret and hope that he will return when his business situation abates.
On a happier note, two new members will be inducted at our August 8 meeting.
Eva read a request for small stuffed animals such as Beanie Babies. If you have anything such as this, please bring them to the meeting.
Dan delivered an urgent plea for people for traffic control in Calumet at the Great Deer Chase bicycle race on August 18. It was suggested that the CLK Rotary agree to take a particular intersection or two and man them at the beginning and end of the race. More details will be forthcoming next week. If you can help, call Mark Norton at Copper Island printing, 337-1300.
Tammies: The ticket sales are dribbling in. It is time, dear folk, to get on the ball and make an impact with both ticket sales and sponsors.
Upcoming Events:
August 4: Copperman Triathelon. We are still looking for traffic monitors. If you can help, contact Terry Smythe immediately at 482-8201.
August 18: The Tamburitzans at the CalumetTheatre.
August 18: Great Deer Chase Bicycle race
October 15: The District Governors Dinner at the Spica restaurant in Houghton.
Upcoming Program Chairs:
August 8: Dan Dalquist
August 15: Babette Tikkanen
President Eva won the monthly drawing.
Note: That was a wonderful feature in the Daily Mining Gazette about the new Conglomerate Cafe opened by Tom and Babette. One dollar, please.
(After the meeting was over, Jim Lowrie whipped out his cell phone and started working again. Great to see you back from Utah, Jim, and hope you can stay a while.)
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