Our Guest was Assistant District Governor Bob Sharkey of the Houghton Rotary Club. Bob was there to ask us to participate in the "Engineers Without Borders" district grant and to ask if our members had any connection with or knowledge of a Rotary club in the Honduras. If anyone does, please contact Bob at bsharkey@pasty.net.
After the Treasurer's report was read, members honored the birthdays of Chuck, Dan, and George with a lusty song (for which the birthday boys paid some bucks).
President Eva gave the sad news that Jay resigned from the club. The press of business was too much at this time. The Board accepted his resignation with regret and hope that he will return when his business situation abates.
On a happier note, two new members will be inducted at our August 8 meeting.
Eva read a request for small stuffed animals such as Beanie Babies. If you have anything such as this, please bring them to the meeting.
Dan delivered an urgent plea for people for traffic control in Calumet at the Great Deer Chase bicycle race on August 18. It was suggested that the CLK Rotary agree to take a particular intersection or two and man them at the beginning and end of the race. More details will be forthcoming next week. If you can help, call Mark Norton at Copper Island printing, 337-1300.
Tammies: The ticket sales are dribbling in. It is time, dear folk, to get on the ball and make an impact with both ticket sales and sponsors.
Upcoming Events:
August 4: Copperman Triathelon. We are still looking for traffic monitors. If you can help, contact Terry Smythe immediately at 482-8201.
August 18: The Tamburitzans at the CalumetTheatre.
August 18: Great Deer Chase Bicycle race
October 15: The District Governors Dinner at the Spica restaurant in Houghton.
Upcoming Program Chairs:
August 8: Dan Dalquist
August 15: Babette Tikkanen
President Eva won the monthly drawing.
Note: That was a wonderful feature in the Daily Mining Gazette about the new Conglomerate Cafe opened by Tom and Babette. One dollar, please.
(After the meeting was over, Jim Lowrie whipped out his cell phone and started working again. Great to see you back from Utah, Jim, and hope you can stay a while.)
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