First, my apologies to all for getting this out so late. Betty and I spent a couple of days on Isle Royale sans computer. Ouch!
(On left is a photo of our good friend, Ernie Neiderer who came with his son, Bob.)
(Sitting next to Ernie was Charlie. Great to see both of you.)
Unfortunately, I mislaid my note pad so I am flying blind here. For the benefit of those that did not attend, for what it is worth, here is my recollection of the meeting. For those of you with a better memory (or hearing), please add a comment at the end of this blog.
Eva reminded the 22 members present (good turnout!) to bring their stuffed animals or toys to the meeting next week. These toys are destined for Iraq where our troops will distribute them to the Iraqui children. Do not bring any battery-driven toys. Eva went on to say that at the business meeting next Wednesday we should get the final accounting of the Tamburitzans.
Guests were introduced: Ernie and his son, Bob; Assistant District Governor from the Houghton club, Bob Sharkey; and from Copper Harbor, Don Kauppi of the Mariner North and Bob Davis of the Minnetonka Resort. If I've left anyone out, sorry.
Our program chair was Kevin Store. Kevin explained how the various people he contacted to present a program could not make it and for each one mentioned, he donated a dollar to our treasury in their name. This amounted to a pretty fair take of five or six dollars and a wonderful presentation as well. Thank you Kevin. Andy presented Kevin with the treasured CLK Rotary mug.
Next week is the monthly business meeting. See you then.
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