and see for yourself.
Attendance: 21 Members, 6 Guests. Our guests were perennials Linda and Dave Grahek. It was Dave's birthday and a lusty song was our tribute. In addition, Linda announced that Dave (pictured at left) was honored with a Paul Harris Fellowship by his Rotary club in Breckenridge, Michigan. Other guests were William Brush, Eva's daughter, Lillia, Chlole Sheler, (both pictured below) and Assistant District Governor from the Houghton club, Bob Sharkey. Bob again asked if anyone knew of a Honduran Rotary Club that might serve as a conduit (no pun intended) for the water project that our 4-club region is supporting.
Lucy brought everyone up to date on housing the Tamburitzans. All is well.
There were too many happy dollars to mention in detail but it should be noted that Sue's husband, Richard, won 7 medals at the Senior Olympics. In addition to the happy dollars, both Frank and Ed were fined for their recent publicity in the New York Times and your editor received a whopping one for casually mentioning (for informational and historical reasons alone) that he and Don Fortune were responsible for the Coppertown Museum.
Andy had a flyer that he never got to talk about, a simple but effective way to treat water in developing nations. For a mere $75, a Rotarian can support the filtered water system of one family for LIFE. That is a bargain. Both Andy and I think this is a supportable and feasible project for our club. More on this in upcoming meetings.
Eva called attention to her famous Pannukakku Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. on Saturday in Agassiz Park. You won't want to miss this great event featuring the Finnish pancakes.
Jim Lowell announced he has 3 club members who have volunteered to usher at the Tamburitzans.
Dan asked for more members to help monitor traffic for a portion of the day at the Great Deer Chase Bicycle Race this Saturday. See Dan immediately if you can help for a short while.
It should be noted and emphasized that the Tamburitzans have been performing in Calumet for about 70 years, a magnificent record. And think of all the organizations and people who have benefoited from the procveeds of these concerts.. It makes one proud to be a Rotarian.
Tom Tikkanen gave a rousing plug for the Main Street Calumet 2007 Heritage Celebration featuring the French and Irish. It starts Friday, August 17 and ends on Sunday, August 19.
Upcoming Events:
Augusyt 17-19: August 18: 8-11 a.m. Eva's Pannukakku Breakfast at Agassiz Park.
August 18: The Great Deer Chase Mountain Bike Race, Swedetown Hill. If all else fails, call Dan for details
August 18: 7 p.m. The Duquesne University TAMBURITZANS at the Calumet Theatre and sponsored by our club.
August 15: District Governor's Annual Dinner in Houghton.
August 22 Program Chair: Dan Dalquist
Finally, your editor announced that starting next week, the blog will start featuring a club member's biographical sketch in each blog. Long-time member, Joe Enrietti, will be our first feature. Stay tuned; it will be nice to know your fellow Rotarians even better that you already do.
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