Monday, December 20, 2010

Regular Meeting, December 15, 2010

Attendance, 24, including guests Linda Lowell and Bob Sharkey.

President Tim started the meeting by asking for Rotary members to help with setting out and lighting the Italian Hall Luminaries and picking them up. Set up is Dec 24 at 1pm and Takedown is Christmas Day at 11 am. Estimated time is 1 hour for each. Please contact Jeff Primeau at This is a project our Club has helped with funding and manpower.

Jim Lowell and Andy Murtagh reported 5 Rotarians and 1 spouse lent a hand to the Keweenaw County Sheriff on Tuesday in organizing the toys for the No Kid Without A Christmas program. Thanks to all who helped.

Program: The CLK High School Business Professional Associatiuon – sent a team to our meeting. The students: Meagan Yeo, Hannah Gregorich, Selena Stromer and George Gruver, are preparing for the Regional BPA Competition in January. This event places students from other UP high schools in various types of competitions. Winners will continue to the State competition with the potential to attend the national competition in Washington DC.

A Financial Analyst team from the CLK School BPA placed 3rd in the nation last year!
This team is focusing upon Presentation management. They delivered a power-point program on intern programs. Each of the 4 students spoke. We learned that intern programs may be available at the high school and collegiate levels. High schools programs are limited to CTE programs such as nursing. College or university programs might be domestic or international.
Several questions and comments were directed to the students after their presentation. The Club felt the students had performed well and wished them luck with their competition.


ÿ Friday Dec 24, 1:00 pm at the Italian Hall memorial for the installation and lighting of the luminaries.

ÿ Saturday Dec 25, 11:00 am at the Italian Hall memorial to pick up the luminaries.

ÿ Tuesday Feb 15, CLK Rotary Club Visioning project, 5 p.m. at the Irish Times. We need and expect all members to attend. <> Rich Schaefer is the contact person.

Your blog needs another author to share the load with Capt Don and myself. Would be great to rotate the responsibility every month or quarter. Contact Dan Dalquist or 370-2206

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