A small but lively group today!
We welcomed Holly Crouch and her daughter Hailey and friend Craig Koskela as guests as well as Zak Tervo. Both Holly and Zak were the Club’s Scholarship recipients and were present to tell the Club about their experiences.
Pastor Pete helped open the meeting by introducing himself as Pastor Grinch. Several Happy Dollars were collected in a Festive manner.
Zak Tervo is attending Diesel Mechanics school in Chicago. He is doing well. Grades are good and he is enthusiastically learning his trade. He has completed his 6th course and is currently enjoying an electronics course. Zak is scheduled to complete his schooling by July, however is looking at the possibility of accelerating the program and finishing in March. He has a job upon graduation. Zak is focused. He announced he expects to earn his Master Mechanics license within 4 yrs of completing school. This certification will require Zak to continue his certification exams and get work experience. It was great to see his excitement.
Holly Crouch is attending Finlandia University pursuing a degree in Graphic Design. Holly has completed her 1st semester and is pursuing a 4 yr Bachelors degree. Her curriculum is exposing her to a variety of people including students and faculty from the Lower Peninsula and other countries. Her favorite course so far has been a drawing class. Holly’s graduation plans are abstract since she has 7 more semesters to complete.
She has already been exposed to a variety of artistic media including fabrics,, computer design and ceramics.
Amy Roberts gave a brief report on the Foundation including plans to present two Paul Harris Fellowships on Jan 13 2010.
Dan Dalquist reminded the Club that the 60th birthday party is January 13, 2010. The celebration will be held at our regular meeting date, time, and location. It would be great to have ALL our members present at this special meeting. As part of the discussion regarding the 60th party, Joe Enrietti announced he joined the Club in 1973. He is our member with the most Seniority.
(Since heavy snow in the Harbor prevented our getting a photograph of this year's luminaries, here is a picture, taken last year, of the moving CLK Rotary tribute to the 73 men, women and children who lost their lives in the Italian Hall disaster on December 24, 1913.)
See you next week, same time, same place, the last meeting of 2009. We'd love to see you.